Tousi said:That's right, Miss P; however, I do not put Billary in the same lofty company as all the great women down thru history that you and Audiofuzzy mentioned. Just because Billary is conveniently handy and ready and willing doesn't mean she's of the caliber of some of the great women in history, IMO.
pek1 said:Tousi,
Based on Hillary's training, experience and expertise, she is more than qualified. As for the women in history, one can't beat them, but she can join them...look at Eleanor Roosevelt, for example.
Tousi said:Pek, fair enough but she is a liberal, so are you, and I am not.
poor and middle class will don't get that much money when tax increase while have luxury health.pek1 said:Universal Health Care is something I favor 100%. As the health care in this country stands now, if you don't have much vs. if you're rich...God help you, because no one will.
EDGE said:poor and middle class will don't get that much money when tax increase while have luxury health.
EDGE said:Add note, if Hillary become president and bring luxuary. Then there will be several hundred employees who work for Health Insurance, lost their job.
pek1 said:Is that a bad thing? I used to work collections and there is no other industry that's worse than collecting from an insurance company. Medicare is demon-possessed; BCBS is nearly as bad, so are the other ones. To see people in the health insurance industry unemployed doesn't make me feel bad, this is a good thing.
Lil_country_gal said:No but i can't vote so it makes no difference