Will we pay off on National Debt???

No, if you print more money, then it will make your monetary value go down. This might cause inflation or deflation I forgot what it is. But that is not a good idea to do, printing money just to pay off debts. This will wreck our economy. Remember Germany before WWII? Their money went into serious inflation, and everyone had like millions and millions of marks. One dollar was equal to 2 million marks. That was how worthless the mark was in 1920s.
Its more inflation not deflation when ya print more $ than what u have in gold

Yeah dat true about Germany's Weimar Republic inflation problem. Just imagine taking a wheelbarrow full of German marks just for a loaf of friggin' bread!
Nope, our debt remains the high. No way we can able to pay off the national debt. It is not fair...look at rich people to give $$ to charities (as tax deductibles) as well as us, poor people or middle class people tend to pay damn taxes. I consider that it is bullshit.

Remember Boston Tea Party? Bostonians threw out English tea bags into the ocean because they were pissed off at English king about taxes years before Declaration of Independence of 1776 was signed by several famous people. But, Declaration of Indepedence gave us a vague term of "freedom". Well, everything is NOT free, so therefore, we still pay, pay, pay to get something to keep us survive on capitalism soil.

National debt sucks, period.
The only reason the rich gives money to charity is so that they can get more tax breaks from the government. Pretty silly, I think.

We will always pay taxes, no matter what. The government needs money to make roads, schools, etc... for us. I think we should just shut up and stop complaining. Aren't you the one who said Canada has it better because they have excellent health care system, and also high taxes? ;)
Originally posted by Fly Free
i noticed so far nobody has mentioned abt the Gen Xers being the group that would have the burden of the national debt

i read somewhere some time ago that us Gen Xers (those born between 1964 to 1978 i think) would be the group to handle with the national debt and to reduce that debt as our baby boomer parents are getting older and retiring and us Gen Xers are raising a fuss about it and for valid reasons -- if we cannot get our national debt REDUCED how are we going to get our taxes down for other things -- property, education, etc etc -- give that a thought

Oh Yes! I never never forgot about Election Vote in 2000. Myself as Gen Xer and done voted for Al Gore with my encourage and being proud USA citizen. Read the article about more more young people (Xers and youngers like 18+) show less intereted in vote for the president in 2000. That's pretty low record for total of voters than other years. Make me feel like more more young people don't care about our country's needs and try to find some way to get rid of oldest problem like National Debt. In my imagine, around 2030 AD, people might feel regret for vote presidents by mistake reasons like as pour lot of $$ to everywhere!!!! Even not able to pay off on National Debt anytime.

In my belief, National Debt might not able to pay off. Why??? More disaters (weathers, wars, crimes) are coming for our country. Need funds to pay repair, more safe, and getting better Education. For example, SF will might have huge earthquake in U.S. history anytime. Not know when. Notice our country feel need more security cuz of Terriorists. That why we have to spend more $$$ on heavy security on us! LadyDuke's right about USA need stop softheart to pay $$$ on other countries.
Originally posted by kuifje75
Aren't you the one who said Canada has it better because they have excellent health care system, and also high taxes? ;)

Yes, Canada have their debts. Not that high as our country. Last time I remmy was hundred millions dollars. In my heart, hopeully Canada able to pay off all in the future. Cuz they accept high taxes no matter what. I met some of my Canada friends in my past. They hardly complain about high taxes in Canada. They show their beautiful proud of being Canadian.
Look at some of Americans sometime sensitve complain about rasing taxes some higher. :ugh:
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Originally posted by Lasza
Yes, Canada have their debts. Not that high as our country. Last time I remmy was hundred millions dollars. In my heart, hopeully Canada able to pay off all in the future. Cuz they accept high taxes no matter what. I met some of my Canada friends in my past. They hardly complain about high taxes in Canada. They show their beautiful proud of being Canadian.
Look at some of Americans sometime sensitve complain about rasing taxes some higher. :ugh:

why we Americans sensitive complain about high taxes cuz we too cheap that why
gosh!!! Have any of you take any high school economics class? the national debt is the total value of national Bond sold to the public!! It will eventually paid off as the bond matures. For example, I bought a 30 years national bond for $1000 dollars and the government will pay be back the 1000 dollars plus INTERESTS annually after 30 years. It is nothing to worry about because it is a positive economic cycle.
Originally posted by Lasza
Yes, Canada have their debts. Not that high as our country. Last time I remmy was hundred millions dollars. In my heart, hopeully Canada able to pay off all in the future. Cuz they accept high taxes no matter what. I met some of my Canada friends in my past. They hardly complain about high taxes in Canada. They show their beautiful proud of being Canadian.
Look at some of Americans sometime sensitve complain about rasing taxes some higher. :ugh:

TV Game Shows, if you win prizes. It'll cost you big time in taxes, did you know that?

The TV studios responsible for the game shows will refuse to pay for the taxes, at least most of them I believe.

Tax Brackets, blech!
"Will we pay off on National Debt???"

Not as long as Georgie is in the white house because, for one thing, he spent quite a bit of our $$$ on those $400 checks we got last week so we wouldn't notice the BIG $$$ going to the upper 1% rich.
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Originally posted by kalboy
gosh!!! Have any of you take any high school economics class? the national debt is the total value of national Bond sold to the public!! It will eventually paid off as the bond matures. For example, I bought a 30 years national bond for $1000 dollars and the government will pay be back the 1000 dollars plus INTERESTS annually after 30 years. It is nothing to worry about because it is a positive economic cycle.

CAn you give me an estimate of how much you expect to be returned?
Originally posted by SilenceGold
CAn you give me an estimate of how much you expect to be returned?

that depends on what kind of bond you have, Ie. treasure bond vs. defense bond. Personally I won't invest in the bond market because there are better investment opportunity out there. It is hard to find godo 2A+ bonds nowadays.
If we legalize marijuana, the national debt will be paid up within a week!
If all Americans serve at their jobs for the US government free just for
one day a week, we'd clear the national debt out in lightening speed.

Those receiving aid from the US government should be forced to volunteer
at least one day a week from their homes or at any 501(c)3 agency.

The British has a similar system like this and it works.

To answer that question....we WILL never pay off the debt, ever....look at the debt racking from the 1987 on that web site on the first page. Starting with $2 ish trillion now it's like $7.7 trillion. That's why we're fucked and we'll never pay it off, it'll continue to rack, no suprise. It's more of a cash flow debt, because some of the debt paid off and other parts not paid off, ya know? I'm sure they have some govt 100 year loan with a $1 trillion credit limit. :P