The thing a lot of people tend to forget, is once the money that is taxed is taken from their paycheck, that money is no longer theirs. So Saying it's your money going to pay off someone else. It's not yours anymore. It's the governments property.
The government jobs is kind of like a parent, we are kind of like the government's kids. The government tries to ensure everyone gets the same chances as others. But it's role is complicated by those people who supposed to be following the rules. When people don't follow the rules, things are unequal and it's up to the government to try again to make it equal. It's no easy task!
The government is kind of like a computer system administrator for our society, and it's supposed to be neutral in how it handles all the operations of our society for us as a people. Because we vote on what our government does, for the most part, everything the government does is nothing more than a big compromise between each of our multiple view points.
Sorry about the long winded post, but I felt it needed to pointed out.
I saw a talk show once in which they were discussing something, I don't remember what. I remember the show beause an audience member stood up and said about something, "Why should WE pay for it? Let the government pay for it!" The audience cheered in agreement.
Huh??? We are the government and it is our money.