I had this talk with my friend and he says the CI market will just be smaller. He says stem cells may fail to give some profoundly deaf people enough improvement that they would still be CI candidates. However insurance won't pay for CI till you first get stem cells and try the best HAs. He also says not to expect a full restoration of hearing because of greed and profit.
The audiologists and hearing aid companies will do something about this, they don't want to go out of business. So they may limit the power of stem cells to the point that a 50db, maybe 40db will be the best possible hearing you could hope to eventually achieve. Youd still buy HAs but at least this small of a hearing loss could be aided down to baseline 0db unlike profound losses which rarely get aided to better than 30db and with reduced quality.
Audiologists may push you towards CI so they can get a fat commission. When stem cells get FDA approval(he says 10 years for that, 5 years in other countries) they will push you towards stem cells. Im guessing insurance won't pay for stem cells but instead will start paying for HAs for those with severe-profound losses. There will be class A HAs which are powerful medical devices with gains above 40db, SPL above 110db and class B HAs with gains up to 40db, SPL up to 110db that can be sold cheaply over the counter like reading glasses. Your loss must be within the fitting range for insurance to pay for class A, else you buy your own class B. Class B will be great for mild to moderate losses.
Of course there will be alot of other limitations on class B HAs. For those who need features and ability to program, they will still have to buy it from an audiologist and he will make money. Youd also need custom molds if you don't find the dome "molds" comfortable enough. It's the same for those who need custom prescription glasses beyond the one size fits all reading glasses. I do think they should offer low minus glasses over the counter just like they do with low plus.
It's possible you may be able to get financing for the $25,000-$50,000 cost(depending on your degree of loss and audiogram) of stem cells for both ears via a low interest medical loan with 20% down. There may be a guarantee of 10db PTA(pure tone average) improvement over your current hearing for qualifying candidates. Such candidates may have 80db or worse PTA loss. Those with less loss don't get the guarantee or may even be rejected alltogether. Just like many lasik centers guarantee 20/40 or you can repeat the laser procedure free! If this still doesn't get you 20/40 then you get refund of the $5000 cost. Thus those who get less than 10db PTA average of improvement can repeat the stem cell procedure free and if this still doesn't help enough, get your refund.
Thus there would be no worries. Youd be able to choose to stay deaf, choose stem cells or choose a CI if your stem cell choice fails to give 10db or more improvement. Those that choose to stay deaf can get powerful HAs from insurance and enjoy hearing environmental sounds and reading lips. Those that choose stem cells and it doesn't help much can get CI from insurance as a last resort. They pay nothing for stem cells nor CI and enjoy some access to sounds/speech. For those who get significent benefit from stem cells, they can pay off the medical loan over a decade and should be happy because they hear way better than CI plus get some ability to hear unaided as a HOH individual.
Everyone must first try stem cells as CI candidacy requirements will become much more strict and be seen as a last resort. Those with no residual hearing(125db HL arbitrary value) could have a guarantee of getting down to 100db PTA, else you get refunded for stem cells and get free CI from insurance since CI is very likley better than 100db loss. Get down to better than 100db PTA, you meet the guarantee and no refunds and insurance won't pay your CI, youll have to pay for CI yourself or wait for stem cell technology to mature and pay again to get more stem cells.
Those with different amounts of losses can have different guarantees on how much improvement is the minimum stem cells would give you. In my case, they may guarantee a 15-20db improvement or that ill get to at least 90db PTA. I could see my loss at 250Hz improve to 50db which would be really great!
At 500Hz it could become 65db, at 1000Hz it could improve to 85db and at 2000Hz it may be 95db. My new PTA would be 82db which would be enough to meet the guarantee. Id have some ability to hear unaided for the first time in my life! 

as well as hearing the best ive ever heard before in my life with powerful HAs. I can always get more stem cells 5 years later(yes, id pay again) for even more improvements, perhaps down to a PTA of 60db! 
What I say is an estimate of what stem cells could deliver and what one of my friends believes will be the case. You can bet I plan to try stem cells first(will apply for clinical trials or travel) as I consider CI a last resort and its very likley stem cells can give me at least 20db improvement. No one knows if CI will be obsolete or if just less people will get CI as candidacy requirements will get strict like they were before 2005. Vote in the poll and share your thoughts. The above is the thoughts me and my friend were discussing about.
The audiologists and hearing aid companies will do something about this, they don't want to go out of business. So they may limit the power of stem cells to the point that a 50db, maybe 40db will be the best possible hearing you could hope to eventually achieve. Youd still buy HAs but at least this small of a hearing loss could be aided down to baseline 0db unlike profound losses which rarely get aided to better than 30db and with reduced quality.
Audiologists may push you towards CI so they can get a fat commission. When stem cells get FDA approval(he says 10 years for that, 5 years in other countries) they will push you towards stem cells. Im guessing insurance won't pay for stem cells but instead will start paying for HAs for those with severe-profound losses. There will be class A HAs which are powerful medical devices with gains above 40db, SPL above 110db and class B HAs with gains up to 40db, SPL up to 110db that can be sold cheaply over the counter like reading glasses. Your loss must be within the fitting range for insurance to pay for class A, else you buy your own class B. Class B will be great for mild to moderate losses.
Of course there will be alot of other limitations on class B HAs. For those who need features and ability to program, they will still have to buy it from an audiologist and he will make money. Youd also need custom molds if you don't find the dome "molds" comfortable enough. It's the same for those who need custom prescription glasses beyond the one size fits all reading glasses. I do think they should offer low minus glasses over the counter just like they do with low plus.
It's possible you may be able to get financing for the $25,000-$50,000 cost(depending on your degree of loss and audiogram) of stem cells for both ears via a low interest medical loan with 20% down. There may be a guarantee of 10db PTA(pure tone average) improvement over your current hearing for qualifying candidates. Such candidates may have 80db or worse PTA loss. Those with less loss don't get the guarantee or may even be rejected alltogether. Just like many lasik centers guarantee 20/40 or you can repeat the laser procedure free! If this still doesn't get you 20/40 then you get refund of the $5000 cost. Thus those who get less than 10db PTA average of improvement can repeat the stem cell procedure free and if this still doesn't help enough, get your refund.
Thus there would be no worries. Youd be able to choose to stay deaf, choose stem cells or choose a CI if your stem cell choice fails to give 10db or more improvement. Those that choose to stay deaf can get powerful HAs from insurance and enjoy hearing environmental sounds and reading lips. Those that choose stem cells and it doesn't help much can get CI from insurance as a last resort. They pay nothing for stem cells nor CI and enjoy some access to sounds/speech. For those who get significent benefit from stem cells, they can pay off the medical loan over a decade and should be happy because they hear way better than CI plus get some ability to hear unaided as a HOH individual.
Everyone must first try stem cells as CI candidacy requirements will become much more strict and be seen as a last resort. Those with no residual hearing(125db HL arbitrary value) could have a guarantee of getting down to 100db PTA, else you get refunded for stem cells and get free CI from insurance since CI is very likley better than 100db loss. Get down to better than 100db PTA, you meet the guarantee and no refunds and insurance won't pay your CI, youll have to pay for CI yourself or wait for stem cell technology to mature and pay again to get more stem cells.
Those with different amounts of losses can have different guarantees on how much improvement is the minimum stem cells would give you. In my case, they may guarantee a 15-20db improvement or that ill get to at least 90db PTA. I could see my loss at 250Hz improve to 50db which would be really great!

What I say is an estimate of what stem cells could deliver and what one of my friends believes will be the case. You can bet I plan to try stem cells first(will apply for clinical trials or travel) as I consider CI a last resort and its very likley stem cells can give me at least 20db improvement. No one knows if CI will be obsolete or if just less people will get CI as candidacy requirements will get strict like they were before 2005. Vote in the poll and share your thoughts. The above is the thoughts me and my friend were discussing about.