To help put you are ease, keep in mind that for adults 20db is considered "normal hearing" range.
Where are you located in Canada ?
Instead of trying to find ways to hide your child's hearing loss, I'd urge you to instead focus on doing whatever you need to do to find peace with it. It's important that you don't make them feel like they need to hide, cover up or "fake it" because you've made them feel that being hard of hearing is "bad" or "defective" or something to be ashamed of (because it's NOT - I'm proud of who I am, I'm proud of all that I've done - and I absolutely believe that being Hoh/Deaf has made me a stronger, more compassionate, more understanding person )
Don't try to get the smallest Hearing Aids - get the best ones for what he needs, and get ones that he'll be able to grow into (that will be BTEs) - I LOVE my BTE, because it allows people to see that if I'm "ignoring them", it likely means that I just haven't heard them - in my life, I consider having a fun, visible HA a positive thing and certainly nothing to be ashamed of, or something I'd want to hide.
You *have* (present tense) a perfectly wonderful child - they happen to have a slight hearing loss, but they are still *perfect* (you just need to be able to learn to see it again).