Wikipedia wants money from me.

Food is not free. Even if you gather it from the wild it will cost you a lot of time and energy. It is hard work and unpredictable that is why man started farming.

Plus, most of the fruits and vegetables we have today have been cultivated over thousands of years to produce large healthy yields. That's a lot of work!

Why should Wikipedia be free? How would they cover the expenses of the business? Should everyone there work for free? How would they feed their families?
Hey: Most of the fruits and veggies are now inundated with pesticides. I can call them "healthy yields" to the extent that more is produced than organics not because they're healthy. They are not what they were thousands of years ago. If our pet rats know the difference (trust me they do) between organic cherry tomatoes, organic romaine lettuce and green lettuce vs the whiter stalks (my dog gets those and healthier foods), they're smart enough. Pesticide anything go untouched. They only eat the green part of lettuce. The water is another issue ...
Hey: Most of the fruits and veggies are now inundated with pesticides. I can call them "healthy yields" to the extent that more is produced than organics not because they're healthy. They are not what they were thousands of years ago. If our pet rats know the difference (trust me they do) between organic cherry tomatoes, organic romaine lettuce and green lettuce vs the whiter stalks (my dog gets those and healthier foods), they're smart enough. Pesticide anything go untouched. They only eat the green part of lettuce. The water is another issue ...

My point was that the corn I grow in my garden was just wild grass 7,000 years ago. It took a lot of work and cultivation to make it into the corn we know today.
But the Joker will want someone to give him the land to grow his 'free' food.
I wanted to grow my own food in Berkley, California so I brought a house with a yard big enough to grow my own veggies . I brought the seeds and tools b/c they never fall out of the sky for 'free'. :giggle:

he's gonna want someone to grow his food for free too.
The Joker has taken one too many hits from Batman recently. Nothing is ever truly free for people to live on...
it is difficult, people been good enough put info up sometimes do feel bad all that work for nothing
"That’s right, the price of a cup of coffee is all we need." -

-Wikipedia can buy their own coffee. I only use their website.
"That’s right, the price of a cup of coffee is all we need." -

-Wikipedia can buy their own coffee. I only use their website.

by using their website, you're getting a free coffee from them.
Reveal.... Wikipedia have $150 millions sit in their bank.
Their coffee would be a lot cheaper if they made it themselves. Would be about 25 cents instead of 3 dollars.