Google is the best site for searching any pictures that you want to look at.
Google make misled like, it show the porn that I don't want to look for. Grrr.
I don't think Jillio cites Wiki.
i've never seen her do it.
as to the type of language that is appropriate, plain english is always appropriate. reserve the ph.d. language for technical publications only.
I'm sorry. I'll try to make an effort to speak more plainly. When I get really enthusiastic about a subject, I tend to throw out a lot of terminology. It's a habit of mine I'm working on.
i wonder if it would be easier for you to quote a website that speaks in plain english instead of trying to explain something yourself. this is what i do when it comes to mental illness, psychology and psychiatry because sometimes i end up talking "medical-ease" and using abbreviations such as tdoc, pdoc and prn that most people do not understand.
Google make misled like, it show the porn that I don't want to look for. Grrr.
To be honest I am just not good at explaining things clearly. The fault is mine. But in the future I will link you to a Wiki on PTSD. If you want a more thorough understanding you can always search in the DSM-IV (It's under 309.81 if I remember correctly) or ask your therapist. <smile>
For the purposes of AD posts, I'll just stick to my Wiki.
i don't have a copy of the dsm, nika. do you?