Wife School

I'm interested in hearing from Heath how he equates "making sure the children do their homework" and "sitting at his feet to read the bible" with "helping his wife raise the kids.'???? HE's not doing anything , the kids are - where would YOU do any work with the housework or cooking or raising the kids?? Is it only the wife's job?
neecy said:
I'm interested in hearing from Heath how he equates "making sure the children do their homework" and "sitting at his feet to read the bible" with "helping his wife raise the kids.'???? HE's not doing anything , the kids are - where would YOU do any work with the housework or cooking or raising the kids?? Is it only the wife's job?

He's too "leave it to beaver" for me.... :hyper:
Heath said:
:rofl: Hey Reba, I am surprised you took the time to try and find one :rofl:
It didn't take any time. I saw the commercial on TV. :D
wow this thread is still going strong...pushed alot of buttons :pissed:

Especially us women :) Im gonna just :popcorn:
Heath said:
The Bible says to honor thy husband and the man to honor thy wife.

Heath, I'm going to call your bluff. Do you have Scriptural references for this? Nowhere have I found that a man is to "honor" the wife; at the same time, nowhere does it say that the wife has to love the husband.
RoyalMajesty said:
There is NO way that anyone is going to control me, I know some people think it's a joke but it isn't for me... I would suggest that you dream on about your future wife. Good luck finding one if thats what your looking for, I wouldn't be suprise if she dumped you after less than 6 month marriage. Shucks!!

This isn't EVER going to happen to me and I'll be sure of that.

I don't have "MAID" written on my forehead!!!!

I'm not mad but this is the way I feel about that video and it's not cool how a woman has to do everything for a man. I know it's meant to be a joke but when I saw that I'm thinking LAZY BUMS~ meaning the men. Apparently, some of them are like that in real life. But thats sad and Im not going to END UP like one of those women. I have goals in my life that I'm planning on doing instead of having BITCH written on my forehead also!

I would prefer a good man who will love me for who I am as the same it goes for him. It's love and trust! You don't make your wife a maid just because she is your wife; how would you feel if YOUR WIFE did that to you? You would be thinking your marriage sucks ass big time and thats not how it works. Both partners give love trust respect and on and on!! That's what I believe.


Apparently, the church that Heath attends says that a woman's job is to kiss the man's butt. :roll: I don't believe that, nor have I ever believed that. Marriage is a 50-50% proposition and decisions are made together, as is everything else.

I want to encourage you to aim for your dreams and desires because you are the only one that can make them happen. You are not a maid, never have been, never will be. You go girl!! :thumb:
FelixKat930 said:
I am a stay at home mother.. I take care of my kids and I clean the dishes etc and cook dinner. But, when my husband comes home from work.. He helps with the dinner.. dishes and play with the kids and watch movies. Right now, I applied for college and my husband is supporting me on it. He and I want better future for our kids and better careers in life!

It takes two and looks like you are doing it!! Best wishes for your education!! :thumb:
pek1 said:

Apparently, the church that Heath attends says that a woman's job is to kiss the man's butt. :roll: I don't believe that, nor have I ever believed that. Marriage is a 50-50% proposition and decisions are made together, as is everything else.

I want to encourage you to aim for your dreams and desires because you are the only one that can make them happen. You are not a maid, never have been, never will be. You go girl!! :thumb:
Hooray!!!! Thank you!!!! I agree what you say also :cheers:
I have to agree that its very offensive and very sexist and women are HUMANS, not objects.
We got feelings and we want respect also... We both be treated equal.... Its call love and repect.
It's rediciously offensive... Heath need to hush up his mouth. :ugh:
RoyalMajesty said:
Hooray!!!! Thank you!!!! I agree what you say also :cheers:

By the way, RoyalMajesty, I forgot to mention something very key to all of this: In years gone by (hundreds if not thousands of years or so), women have always been referred to as "chattel" (property). Now, for the word "chattel," if you take the "h" out and transpose the "e" and the "l" you get the word, "cattle." Hence, women had no rights AND were viewed and treated as property. Use your imagination as to how women were treated. :thumbd:
pek1 said:
By the way, RoyalMajesty, I forgot to mention something very key to all of this: In years gone by (hundreds if not thousands of years or so), women have always been referred to as "chattel" (property). Now, for the word "chattel," if you take the "h" out and transpose the "e" and the "l" you get the word, "cattle." Hence, women had no rights AND were viewed and treated as property. Use your imagination as to how women were treated. :thumbd:
Oh okay... I didn't know that.... :ugh2:
How about sending men/hubbies off to husband bootcamp so they learn how to treat women right and help out with house chores without whining!! :D
sillycat said:
How about sending men/hubbies off to husband bootcamp so they learn how to treat women right and help out with house chores without whining!! :D

Yeah, thats exactly what I joked with Heath about this while ago
just before he departed for the bootcamp until October LOL
sillycat said:
How about sending men/hubbies off to husband bootcamp so they learn how to treat women right and help out with house chores without whining!! :D

My mother taught me as a youth (before teen years) how to do laundry (colors are separate from whites and permanent press), how to cook (more than just macaroni and cheese and reheating stuff in microwave, of which we didn't have) and how to make food items such as bread . . . from scratch, how to sew (by hand, as the sewing machine wasn't working) and to iron clothes.

So, can I thread a needle? Does a bear poop in the woods? :D

I can even outcook, outbake and maybe even outsew Reba, coloravalanche, rachelleggert and DoofusMama. Yet, I'm still single. :ugh:

Rumor has it that if us men could get pregnant, there'd only be one child per family . . . can't imagine why. :P
Heath said:
God made the woman to be the helper to the man. I never said anything about controlling a woman or anything like that. I think you need to read this article which will open your eyes.

Feminist Says Child Rearing not Worthy of Time and Talents of Intelligent Humans

By Hilary White

NEW YORK, June 20, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Linda Hirshman, a feminist US writer on cultural issues, has told the world why she thinks staying at home with the children is an occupation “not worthy of the full time and talents of intelligent and educated human beings.” She complains at length that the feminist movement, while making some gains in public life through legal activism, has largely failed in the one area where it counts most: the family.

She upbraids women who stay at home for failing the feminist agenda, saying, “They do not require a great intellect, they are not honored and they do not involve risks and the rewards that risk brings.”

Writing in the November 2005 edition of the American Prospect, Hirshman admitted that the real intention of the feminist movement was not “equality”, but to destroy what she calls “the unreconstructed family” of a husband and wife rearing children. She writes that the goal was to see as many women as possible abandoning family life for high-level professions and politics.

Hirshman, a committed radical, was a member in the 1970s of the feminist lobby, the National Organization for Women (NOW), a donor to the pro-abortion political organization, EMILY’s List, and a professor of women’s studies.

But, she complains, the movement has “stalled”; while the “public world has changed…private lives have hardly budged.” Childrearing is still seen by both men and women to be the natural purview of women. She writes of her “shock” to discover that among those professional women whom she called the “logical heirs of feminism”, large numbers were leaving their careers to opt for childrearing.

“Marriage is essentially unchanged,” she laments. “The real glass ceiling is at home…Looking back, it seems obvious that the unreconstructed family was destined to re-emerge after the passage of feminism’s storm of social change.”

She writes, “this represents not a loss of present value but a loss of hope for the future -- a loss of hope that the role of women in society will continue to increase.”

Some of the women she interviewed confirmed her worst fears: they liked being mothers. One declined to be interviewed because she could not leave her activities with her daughters: “We’re all in here making fresh apple pie,” she said.

Another, an “an Ivy Leaguer with a master’s degree” described her at-home activities: “I take my [3-year-old] daughter to all the major museums. We go to little movement classes.”

The article ignited a blaze of online outrage from feminists and traditionalists alike. Bloggers and editorials in print and online editions of a number of magazines have run comments blasting Hirshman.

In an op-ed at the online edition of the political magazine, the Huffington Post, Ann Coulter wrote that Hirshman and those who think like her, are “expressing an intolerant world view that women who don't work are losers.”

“Hirshman isn't just expressing an opinion about what she thinks is best, she is saying that any woman who makes a choice different from what she espouses is unequivocally ‘wrong.’”

Coulter writes that feminism is losing its sway in public because it focuses on “problems that hardly exist…while spending precious little energy on issues that indisputably have a negative impact on women: pornography, sex trafficking.”

“If [feminists] spent a fraction of the time on these issues that they spend trying to get women to get their men to vacuum the living room, the world would be a better place.”


will you shut hell up about your bible shit.

that is very offensive and women are not maids to the male gender. the only good men out there the ones who treat woman like humans.. which you obviously don't .. and by the way if you haven't noticed we're human.
