Why your dog stinks.......


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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We don't like to compare cats and dogs – both pets have so many lovable qualities! it's not a competition! – but we will give the edge to cats in one respect: they're self-cleaning. We adore dogs, but there's no denying that, when it comes to smelling bad, they've got cats beat paws down.

But why do dogs get so smelly sometimes?

Well, let's start with the obvious: they get dirty. Most dogs spend a decent amount of time outside, and they may spend part of that time rolling around in trash, poop, or other icky things (they do this to camouflage their own smell). Not every dog likes to do this…but yours may love it.

Or maybe Rex just got caught in the rain; a wet dog is a notoriously stinky proposition. That smell comes from bacteria that feed on the oils produced by a dog's skin, so the best way to beat that odor is to bathe the dog regularly; dry him thoroughly after baths; and keep him dry in between.

Groom your dog each day, too. Even a quick brushing before bedtime can get help you spot and get rid of dirt and gunk that's clinging to his coat (or little "cling-ons" that might be lingering under his tail). Check between his toes to make sure he doesn't have anything stinky lodged there, or consider a quick foot bath just to make sure (hounds of our acquaintance will happily cut through their own urine or waste during walks).

But if a nice relaxing bubble bath or "pedicure" doesn't kill the stench, it's time to look elsewhere. First, try bathing the dog's bed, crate, and/or anywhere else he regularly lies down. If he's clean but his favorite sofa cushion is funky, he's just going to get smelly again in ten minutes. Wash his bed, any padding he lies on, et cetera on a regular basis – and if he's got a "home" chair or spot on the rug that can't be easily laundered, start putting a fluffy towel or bed facsimile in that spot so it's easy to run through the wash.

Y! News: Odor forces flight to turn around -- twice

…Still catching a bad whiff? You may be looking at a medical issue, so enlist your vet to help solve the mystery. Fido may have a skin infection that regular bathing and dog shampoo won't defeat; dog breeds with skin folds may be more prone to this, so have your vet take a look.

Or is it Fido's breath? He's probably never going to smell minty-fresh, but particularly revolting breath could spell a dental problem like a rotten tooth or gum disease; bad breath could also indicate a digestive issue. Have a veterinarian take a look, and recommend chew toys and/or dental products that will keep the dog's teeth clean.

Ear conditions like mites can also create some unpleasant odors. Does your newly-bathed dog still smell like old shoes – and is he also scratching his ears or shaking his head a lot? It might be mites. Call the vet for a recommendation or some drops.

Or…maybe that funk is coming from the other end. Dogs can eat things they shouldn't and cause themselves gastric distress, including noxious flatulence; usually, though, you can trace a given series of poots to the coffee grounds or scrambled eggs Corky helped himself to last night. But if you know he's only eating his regular kibble and his gas is frequent and/or horrible, ask your vet about changing the dog's diet and/or running some tests. Most dogs are lactose-intolerant, so make sure he's not snacking on unauthorized cheese, and see what the vet has to say about probiotics (which help promote intestinal flora), getting more exercise (which can cut down on the toots), and feeding methods (wolfing down meals could lead to gas).

Maybe it's not just air, either. Secretions from a dog's anal glands can generate one of the worst smells known to humans. If your dog is prone to impactions or other problems "near the back door," you may have to ask your vet about expressing those glands regularly. …We know, trust us; we have a cat with this…"situation," and it is yucky and undignified for everyone involved. But you can handle it yourself…or you can wait until the pooch "handles" it on a vintage needlepoint pillow, or starts dragging his tuchis along the carpet in front of your new in-laws. Talk to a vet, and then possibly your groomer/doggie daycare provider, about managing a gland issue.

Keeping your dog smelling sweet – or at least not awful – is mostly a matter of prevention, it seems. Regular baths, paired with checks of your dog's ears, teeth, and paws; regular laundry; and regular vet visits should all help you not have to breathe through your mouth every time Rover enters the room.

Why your dog stinks | Pets - Yahoo! Shine
Remem bering a dog we found that looked sort of like a rat terrier...she was filthy, hair matted, but neverless the sweetest dog!...She smelled terrible, so we all gave her a good bath and cut out all the mats...she was missing a lot of hair also....And even after the bath and blow dry, she still smelled somewhat, so we sprayed her with doggie perfume....My oldest boy got very, very attached to her, even slept with her.....

But the odor she expelled was awful!...Took her to the Vet and she had some sort of skin disease.....We got antibotics and ointment....which did help, but still the smell lingered on for quite awhile...RIP, Daisey Mae!...She died at about age 14 I believe, as we never knew her real age, but she was "frosty" haired around her mouth, so we knew she was a senior dog...

Also, a friend asked us to sort of "foster" a beautiful Cocker Spanel she had, since she already had 4 dogs of her own. "Max" was beautiful and so healthy....but the problem was, hs farted all the time!...Took him to the Vet. And the Vet prescribed special canned dog food for his digestive system....He did fine after that....My friend was finally able to come get him.
My dog, Sage, STANK when we first adopted her. Baths only helped for a day or so and it's not good for dogs to bathe them frequently so we couldn't give her a bath every other day. We changed her over to a raw meat diet and she has been stink free ever since. Ever her breath and teeth are better. I was amazed!
yeah people kept commenting that my dog had a "doggy" smell when we were at my grandparents' house. Well, he's a dog, what'd they expect?! I had the dog bathing wipes packed and used that on him once but the next day after being outside for a while the "doggy" smell came right back. Oh well. I'm used to it, and I don't even give my dog a bath very often haha. He just doesn't get dirty since I live at an apartment and have to leash him when taking him outside, so he doesn't get the chance to roll around or anything. Just wipe him down with a wipe every now and then, no big deal.

Anyone ever think their dogs smell like fritos? My sister says her dogs smell like fritos, and sometimes I notice the frito smell from my dog too. Weird!
if dog not humping scratching it arse or sh1ting outside my house,shaking a paw chasing the cat trying kill postman constantly howling,but it do give you unconditional love ,you do have tin opener could have something to do with that ....guide dogs hearing dogs sheep dogs secruity dogs clever...still stink tho..
My dog don't smell at all, teeth are very white and he doesn't have bad breath at all. He's on RAW meals (has been since he was puppy), absolute loves it and thrives on it. Steer clear of tripe as I know a dog who eats it and it's vile! he smelled so bad, when he stays at my parents, my parents switch food to raw chicken etc, the smell became more bearable. So the smell can come from different sources such as diet, health, home life, or just rolling in disgusting eau de toilette for sheer pleasure of joy!

The only time my dog gets a bath is when he had rolled in duck/fox poo!!!! urrgh!!! But at other times I don't know how he keeps his shiny white fur so clean!!
Why dogs never smelled bad until they rolled in shit or a dead fish! One of my dog did roll in a fish head and OMG she like HELL!
Dog's love the scent of disgusting things, to them gardenia scented soap smells like a human being bathed in ammonia and bleach! LOLThey just need to be looked after- and hope they don't have a stash of df disgusting stuff hidden somewhere!
Camouflage their odor? I disagree because my dog, Java likes to roll on the grass right after I give her a good 1/2 hr bath :wtf:
Camouflage their odor? I disagree because my dog, Java likes to roll on the grass right after I give her a good 1/2 hr bath :wtf:

My dog like to that too after he come back from the groomer. I had a dog that rolled in donkey poo and we living in the woods and I had to haul my water.
yeah people kept commenting that my dog had a "doggy" smell when we were at my grandparents' house. Well, he's a dog, what'd they expect?! I had the dog bathing wipes packed and used that on him once but the next day after being outside for a while the "doggy" smell came right back. Oh well. I'm used to it, and I don't even give my dog a bath very often haha. He just doesn't get dirty since I live at an apartment and have to leash him when taking him outside, so he doesn't get the chance to roll around or anything. Just wipe him down with a wipe every now and then, no big deal.

Anyone ever think their dogs smell like fritos? My sister says her dogs smell like fritos, and sometimes I notice the frito smell from my dog too. Weird!

Your dogs stinks....because it's a dog. I've never ever smelled a dog that didn't smell like dog. yes, some can smell worse than others, but they all smell like dog. If you don't think he smells like dog, you're just used to it lol Your whole house/apartment prob smells like a dog to other people that come over, but you're so used to it you can't smell it. These are general yous not "you' yous.

But I quoted your because.....since I've been a massage therapist I've noticed old ladies smell like corn chips (fritos) don't ask me why but most of them do.
Your dogs stinks....because it's a dog. I've never ever smelled a dog that didn't smell like dog. yes, some can smell worse than others, but they all smell like dog. If you don't think he smells like dog, you're just used to it lol Your whole house/apartment prob smells like a dog to other people that come over, but you're so used to it you can't smell it. These are general yous not "you' yous.

But I quoted your because.....since I've been a massage therapist I've noticed old ladies smell like corn chips (fritos) don't ask me why but most of them do.

I am used to the smell, I don't notice a doggy smell in my apartment. But my dog does have some smelly breath, but I've started brushing his teeth again and such so hopefully that'll help.
That's why it's important to wash your dogs frequently. The more you let them outside, the more likely they will develop extremely oily fur. I've petted dogs whose fur were so oily that I could see water drops on my hands and I would break out if I were to touch my face with them. I would end up having to wash my hands immediately before doing anything else such as handling food or touching myself.
My Pomeranian is a house dog, of course....and has very dry skin. She takes a bath once a month (mainly at the Groomers), and we use special shampoo for her.....

She does not smell, tho'...and after her bath, she has cologne, made for Dogs that we spray for special occasions on her.....Feel it's the outside Dogs that have a problem with body odor.
It's good how often you care for your dog like that.

That's what my parents did with their dogs.

I wish more people did that with their dogs.