why so many deaf single men?


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Jun 1, 2006
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I was wondering why so many deaf single men, who can't find any ladies yet at time, average between 18 and 40 age. I feel sorry for deaf single men who had deeply and lonely I had seen, once I met a lot of deaf single men when it is social event or at Gallaudet. Ever not likely deaf women, cuz many of them are taken, how comes? I need to understand how and why...
You have to remember some choose to be single by choice. Some want to focus on their education or their job? There are many reasons why Men cant find one. Wrong type or whatever it is. or maybe they are gay? ever thought of that? :)

I noticed that today lot of them are picky too? compare to the past.. many marriages were arranged so lot of them got married and had children. nowadays none of the marriages are arranged.. just met them by accident or knew each other from school etc. some are lucky to find love. Some are not.
Read some of these threads and you will find out why. :roll:
You have to remember some choose to be single by choice. Some want to focus on their education or their job? There are many reasons why Men cant find one. Wrong type or whatever it is. or maybe they are gay? ever thought of that? :)

I noticed that today lot of them are picky too? compare to the past.. many marriages were arranged so lot of them got married and had children. nowadays none of the marriages are arranged.. just met them by accident or knew each other from school etc. some are lucky to find love. Some are not.

I agree.

A lot of students at NTID ended up getting pregnant and leaving school... because they were too focused on having relationships when they should have been focusing on schoolwork.

It's like one student I knew who had multiple forced miscarriages because she kept getting drunk & stoned... then having sex with random guys she met at parties. She was obsessed with being "cool" and trying to find a boyfriend. Of course, she couldn't keep a boyfriend for more than a few months. :roll:

Then there's another student who just transferred to NTID... only to leave a couple months later cuz she accidentally got pregnant. She was only 3 months away from graduating.

Then there's a group of girls who knew each other... yet, they got pregnant by the same guy.

So, what does that tell you? Are they too obsessed with having relationships and not being careful when they could actually put their brains to good use and finish school?

That's the problem nowadays. People think that it won't happen to them... but it does.
I get unlucky these days, and still today... it is just they are picky and I agree what Frecky Cat just said ..
I have been single cause I have no room for relationship during busy working as enterpriser and software engineer =/ someday I hope I will have time to look for woman :wave:
I agree.

A lot of students at NTID ended up getting pregnant and leaving school... because they were too focused on having relationships when they should have been focusing on schoolwork.

It's like one student I knew who had multiple forced miscarriages because she kept getting drunk & stoned... then having sex with random guys she met at parties. She was obsessed with being "cool" and trying to find a boyfriend. Of course, she couldn't keep a boyfriend for more than a few months. :roll:

Then there's another student who just transferred to NTID... only to leave a couple months later cuz she accidentally got pregnant. She was only 3 months away from graduating.

Then there's a group of girls who knew each other... yet, they got pregnant by the same guy.

So, what does that tell you? Are they too obsessed with having relationships and not being careful when they could actually put their brains to good use and finish school?

That's the problem nowadays. People think that it won't happen to them... but it does.

Group of girls got pregnant by the same guy? WOW! Hope he has deep pockets to pay for child support.
You have to remember some choose to be single by choice. Some want to focus on their education or their job? There are many reasons why Men cant find one. Wrong type or whatever it is. or maybe they are gay? ever thought of that? :)

I noticed that today lot of them are picky too? compare to the past.. many marriages were arranged so lot of them got married and had children. nowadays none of the marriages are arranged.. just met them by accident or knew each other from school etc. some are lucky to find love. Some are not.

Good post. In general, people are getting married and starting families at later ages than in the past. There are many reasons for that.
Good post. In general, people are getting married and starting families at later ages than in the past. There are many reasons for that.

and what you said was right on the spot as it was mentioned in the news that lot of people (both genders) are delaying to get married till late 30's and early 40's to focus on education or jobs after they are done then they get married and have a family.

like in the past, the parents get married earlier and have many children so they can help with chores around the farm then when they get older= marry them off to someone else. usually the older son take over the farm and get married to a homemaker then have a family.

Today none existed anymore maybe few do. We do have farms but few... not many nowadays.. its a dying breed. lot of people are going to college or working then later when they are settled down then they started to look for their significant other and have family but family is not large like in the past.
I was wondering why so many deaf single men, who can't find any ladies yet at time, average between 18 and 40 age. I feel sorry for deaf single men who had deeply and lonely I had seen, once I met a lot of deaf single men when it is social event or at Gallaudet. Ever not likely deaf women, cuz many of them are taken, how comes? I need to understand how and why...

I'm not lonely.... most deaf I know are pussys.. won't do anything except go to deaf clubs.. while I'm busy skydiving, flying airplanes and other fun stuff...
you could get killed but that part of the fun...
There might be many single men (if true) who have been so for a long time because they only think below the waist. :lol:
I guess single men are too busy to watch porn and jerk off or play video games too much. Some people who watch porns too much then end up to picky type on women's body. :ugh:
Good post. In general, people are getting married and starting families at later ages than in the past. There are many reasons for that.

There is a lot of truth to that comment. Secondly, with everything being expensive--it's much more affordable to stay single.

Heck.......I can't even afford myself! :lol:
There is a lot of truth to that comment. Secondly, with everything being expensive--it's much more affordable to stay single.

Heck.......I can't even afford myself! :lol:

Quite true. Combining finances doesn't offer the benefits it used to. Many cohabitating couples don't get married for just that reason.
You have to remember some choose to be single by choice. Some want to focus on their education or their job? There are many reasons why Men cant find one. Wrong type or whatever it is. or maybe they are gay? ever thought of that? :)

I noticed that today lot of them are picky too? compare to the past.. many marriages were arranged so lot of them got married and had children. nowadays none of the marriages are arranged.. just met them by accident or knew each other from school etc. some are lucky to find love. Some are not.

Good posting I agree with that. Also some deaf guys can be immature that not ready to grow up or some of them have weak commuicate barrier or it could some of them could be crimals just like hearing guys. I agree they also compare way too much to other women and expect too much of women to be perfect so that what make them picky, or other just rather be singles and use women for sex. There are so many different reasons why deaf guys stay single and even lonely.
most single deaf men love last night stand, are isolated at house and depending on SSI, addicted to play games so much, preferring to masturbate for their own pleasure better than facing real women because of their low confidence and weak weak social skills.....there are many reasons.
its not relationship, i reckon half the people dont even know what it is. Its just pure conpolution. These days of heavy marketing for just about every aspect of our lives being constantly under pressure to being socio-economic defined for our social lives. Having Money is status no shit about that.

Stop picking on Deaf guys, theres also Deaf sluts.
Also there's another reason Deaf girl tend to have been taught how to pick guys with money. obviously and the hearing guys are likely to have jobs and/ have lots of money, they pick deaf women for their own reasons like , 'can have phone convos without being busted, snoring as being tolerated since they girls cant hear it, I have noticed Deaf women in NZ tend to marry up with Policemen (pricks, they are) ALSO the very Police force here is known to have bad promiscious behaviours so go figure that! (easy). I kow of a deaf woman who is a teacher aide (for sign language, but she doesnt know shit), she got divorced some years ago and has been going out with a guy ( i dunno who) but i do know this, she no longer with him , as complains he sways of, but ALSO i know she brags to her females freinds about how much he spoils her with going out to resturents, jewellary, travelling staying in hotels and such. You know what? i think she deserved it, he probably came to his senses that she's using him, and is superfical. (all only becuase she likes her job status and feels have to 'add on' more to the status. How typically greedy and shallow.

Girls likes heroes, I sometimes think that just because one see a stud getting two hands full (2 girls preggy) it becomes easy to jump to assume that it reflect the whole male population, in the same way as female (popular girl in school , or the prettiest or the most sultry maybe) gets a reputation that she's a great fuck, she probably is, because of the practices and confidence she has, (but its not a REAL confidence - its more of that cnoqueing confidence in in winning a game of 'getting sex' that is all they think about (now I have just said females are too guilty thinking below the waist - or neck if breasts are considered).
People are just too busy nowadays to figure out norms and upholding to their social pressure whether is throught direct contacts, indirect or through the media. That probably explain why they have less and less time to focus on the SO, as the media pressurise us to have that 'perfect life'.
Good posting I agree with that. Also some deaf guys can be immature that not ready to grow up or some of them have weak commuicate barrier or it could some of them could be crimals just like hearing guys. I agree they also compare way too much to other women and expect too much of women to be perfect so that what make them picky, or other just rather be singles and use women for sex. There are so many different reasons why deaf guys stay single and even lonely.

Women aren't saints either GTM. :)

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