Why not Cochlear Transplants?!

heh, some of you dont get the point.

But that's fine, I'm done wasting my energy here. You guys do whatever you want. I'll work on my projects.

OK, so that will be a nachos to go. With or without cheese?
Try something real: FRESH POPCORN!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Wirelessly posted

How about going out for fresh air? How about not polluting this forum with the redundant posts with books that have yet to be read? How about staying away from the forum for fresh minds? Try it.. it really does work.
Wirelessly posted

Mrs Bucket said:
Wirelessly posted

How about going out for fresh air? How about not polluting this forum with the redundant posts with books that have yet to be read? How about staying away from the forum for fresh minds? Try it.. it really does work.

Invite him to a coffee, Buckets.

Sounds like he could use some company. :)
Wirelessly posted

souggy said:
Wirelessly posted

Mrs Bucket said:
Wirelessly posted

How about going out for fresh air? How about not polluting this forum with the redundant posts with books that have yet to be read? How about staying away from the forum for fresh minds? Try it.. it really does work.

Invite him to a coffee, Buckets.

Sounds like he could use some company. :)

I did invite him.. twice. PFH encouraged him to pick up on my offer. He's either playing hard to get or he wants Dottie in on the fun. Personally I think Dottie will have too much fun!
Wirelessly posted

But..but.. I don't wanna play with him! I wanna play with you and Dottie says she will try to be fair. :naughty:
Mrs Bucket try your friend-PFH when he wakes up. Not sure what the reference to "Dottie" means? Relevant? Off to Cochlear Implant exercise for the next 8 nights-busy.
Cheers Bill

Implanted- Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Wirelessly posted

How about going out for fresh air? How about not polluting this forum with the redundant posts with books that have yet to be read? How about staying away from the forum for fresh minds? Try it.. it really does work.


It certainly does!

How about this, also?

Transplantation is usually done to save a life or to vastly improve a person's life from a devestating injury. I just don't see where cochlear transplantation would be done any time soon given the life changing nature of having a transplant.

Having a transplant generally exchanges one set of problems for another. It's not a walk in the park by any means. Once a transplant occurs, you risk rejection (which almost always happens) and you have to take extremely powerful meds to keep that rejection at bay. Transplantation is NOT the panacea some people may think it is.

Also, organs are usually very hard to come by. Not everyone donates their organs after death. So, would someone want to possibly wait YEARS for a transplant, risk rejection for the rest of their life, take meds for the rest of their life; when there are ways to mitigate a hearing loss without having to go through all that NOW?

I can tell you if I lost my hearing, I certainly wouldn't!
Wirelessly posted

And anti-rejection drugs mean it suppresses your immune system, so simple things as being around kids and pets or eating food containing undercooked ingedients are now complicated.

A friend of mine have to decide between being on dialysis for life, or giving up his dogs once he receive a new kidney.
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Wirelessly posted

And anti-rejection drugs mean it surpress your immune system, so simple things as being around kids and pets or eating food containing undercooked ingedients are now complicated.

Exactly. Transplantation sounds easy enough, but when you educate yourself about what's involved, you truly see that it's not to be taken lightly.
Wirelessly posted

Aye, and I don't want to go through the same torments as my friend is going through trying to decide between giving up his dogs or getting a new kidney.
Wirelessly posted

Aye, and I don't want to go through the same torments as my friend is going through trying to decide between giving up his dogs or getting a new kidney.

I have a loved one who has a progressive, degenerative lung disease whose only cure is a double lung transplant. As I said, it's not something that should be taken lightly.
Given that transplants for Cochleas are NOT being done- worrying about rejection seems to premature.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Given that transplants for Cochleas are NOT being done- worrying about rejection seems to premature.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Most of us know they are not being done, but, it's worth noting and discussing. You never know when a desperate person may come on this forum asking about drastic ways to mitigate hearing loss. There are people out there who would do this. I've seen it before. I find the topic itself pretty pointless given that we have safer ways of mitigating a hearing loss; should someone choose to do so, though.
In order for the "desperate person" to get a Cochlea transplant it would seem to involve a "Doctor" getting one from a person(hearing?) who recently died. On the real quiet so no one else knows about the "illegal procedure". Likely? For most of us-a Hearing Aid is much cheaper without the operation to replace the "old cochlea". Perhaps Google knows more.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
In order for the "desperate person" to get a Cochlea transplant it would seem to involve a "Doctor" getting one from a person(hearing?) who recently died. On the real quiet so no one else knows about the "illegal procedure". Likely?

No one said anything like that. What was said was "may come on this forum asking about drastic ways to mitigate hearing loss"
No one said anything like that. What was said was "may come on this forum asking about drastic ways to mitigate hearing loss"

Thank you. I've actually seen some weird things on this forum occasionally. We actually had someone come on the forum a year or so ago, asking how to become deaf. This opened up a can of worms that I'd rather not reopen, but, you just never know with people.

That's why mentioning the dangers of cochlear transplants is noteworthy. The average person probably wouldn't pursue it, but, there are some people who would!