Actually, gays are a lot more sexual obsessed than straights. The STD epidemic within homosexual communities is a POWERFUL evidence for their sexual addiction.
Gays admit more sexual encounters than straights. Not surprising.
Gay communities are horrible - they're a disgrace. They promote moral decay. They promote the spread of STD's. They promote safe sex over abstainance. They promote hedonism. The average gay man dies up to 20 years younger than the average straight person (due to drugs, HIV, etc). That's why I have low opinions of the gay community.
Interesting about your opinion. Of course, being gay or lesbian is not a identify, just a sexual orientation. Well there is nothing to stop the homosexual community because we can't stop people from liking what they really like, ya know..
I don't find that a " sex " is the number one priority. To me, sex is always the last ... probably I will say a zillionth at the end of the line. It's okay to have sex once in a while because, your health might need it to help gettin' well from runny nose or some kind of colds. It also helps some people to sleep better and other reasons.
But, if they want to have sex with you the whole time - then, there's somethin' wrong. It is not healthy to have sex alll the time like 24/7 or 365 days. Yikes !It's gettin' stale.
Best to use your judgement not to get caught if, they give you STD or some kinds of disease. Just becareful because, you are more important than receivin' " death " sentence. You mean alot to some friends, families and AD members here.![]()
Totally with you on this! Having sex 365 days every year is definitely not good. And thank you for the concerns about me

gay men keep souls in dicks and butts
What do you expect me to say about this? "Straight folks keep soul in pussy 'n' dicks"? Nonsense. :roll:
I wonder why the men always want sex every day?? I dont understand why? why cant they accept wait few days to a week then make love? but no must have sex all times! they can do it with their best friend.. thats what they are for?![]()
Aha other one!

I agree, I mean sex is great, but there are too many std's out there for me to take a chance, i'd rather find someone to be with then to go out every night & sleep with some random guy. I guess i'm more about relationships then anything else. That's rare to find anyone else who feels the same way tho. =\
Yeah sex is really great, but I believe thinking about only sex is unhealthy. I agree with you, finding a relationship in the gay culture is really hard :/