why magnet for implant?

Ya know....I kinda like drphil. Is that bad?
Ya know....I kinda like drphil. Is that bad?

:laugh2: Me too, I think the guy has a wry wit, a creative spirit, and an enviable level of positive energy and curiosity. And I may not agree with everything he writes, but I sure look forward to his posts.
For the non readers of Phillip C McGraw Ph D consider some of his "non psychological" books: Self Matters , Life Strategies., Relationship Rescue, Family First ,Ultimate Weight Solution: 7 keys to Weight Loss freedom and Love Smart.

Jillio hasn't explained how he had a Ph D in psychology and suddenly "lost of all psychological knowledge" when he didn't renew his Texas licence to practice? Brain transplant gone "haywire"? I noticed mine says "registered user" however not to nit pick to extremes.

These books are directed for one thing... To make mcgraw some cash. Thats all there is to it. you've been had.
Ya know....I kinda like drphil. Is that bad?

:laugh2: Me too, I think the guy has a wry wit, a creative spirit, and an enviable level of positive energy and curiosity. And I may not agree with everything he writes, but I sure look forward to his posts.

Me too! But I guess you knew that. And I am one of those deaf forever, no CI, people!
PFH: Congratulations: you just won the MOST OBVIOUS AWARD of the century! Authors write/publish books to earn money. Hasn't this fact arrived into your thinking yet?

Prof SKY sends a lot of meows to "Daredevel7, GrednelQ and Bottesini with a hungry herd of hounds waiting for supper!

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
PFH: Congratulations: you just won the MOST OBVIOUS AWARD of the century! Authors write/publish books to earn money. Hasn't this fact arrived into your thinking yet?

It's not that obvious as you would like to think. There are a lot of books out there that arent making much coin for their authors. A lot of authors are out there to inform people of different things. I personally have a friend that is only making pennies on every copy she sells. McGraw is just riding on his name, hence I made the subtle point that you missed; that I don't believe his mainstream books are as high in quality as you may find in other books written by other authors specialized in their fields.
PFH: I had Prof SKY review your post- just yawned and went back to sleep.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
PFH: Prof SKY follows some of my activities- NOT into swimming however! Can't get over the "fear of water" yet.

Curious about the organic Rhino bones that Bottesini herd of hounds savour- hasn't had any to chew on -so far. Checked the local store-sorry NO organic Rhino bones. Long on the jaw-missing something special.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
PFH: Prof SKY follows some of my activities- NOT into swimming however! Can't get over the "fear of water" yet.

Curious about the organic Rhino bones that Bottesini herd of hounds savour- hasn't had any to chew on -so far. Checked the local store-sorry NO organic Rhino bones. Long on the jaw-missing something special.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

They probably aren't organic since they are a popular brand in the US. But our veterinarian praised the condition of the nine year old poodle's teeth when they just went in for shots.

So they are good for dog dental hygiene.
That is great news indeed for your herd of hounds-good teeth! Pass on the word here in Toronto from Bottesini: get organic Rhino bones for your dog! Right-chew on that!

Have you tested hippo bones yet?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
I have noticed I am getting smarter since I got the Cochlear Implant a few years ago. So, I am assuming the magnet is helping my brain to retain more information. I have the strongest magnet available for my MedEl implant due to my thick skin.

Dr. Phil is married to a Vegas hooker and is a pop psycho. He is a quack with no hair .
SouthFella: Are your magnets are working in reverse-thinking- wise. perhaps?

Phillip C McGraw PhD is married to Robin for over 30 years
If you watch his programme that is the lady that walks of with him at end -every time.

Not sure what a "pop psycho" means- is that someone who drinks lots of diet pop?

Is being bald headed a "sure sign" of being an actual quack? What type? What proof do you have to substantiate such a proposition? Will ducks get "excited"?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
For the non readers of Phillip C McGraw Ph D consider some of his "non psychological" books: Self Matters , Life Strategies., Relationship Rescue, Family First ,Ultimate Weight Solution: 7 keys to Weight Loss freedom and Love Smart.

Jillio hasn't explained how he had a Ph D in psychology and suddenly "lost of all psychological knowledge" when he didn't renew his Texas licence to practice? Brain transplant gone "haywire"? I noticed mine says "registered user" however not to nit pick to extremes.
Bottesini: The real bargain hunter get the balance of Christmas gifts now-at rock bottom price. Smile and Prof SKY shares her secret with you. Hope your herd enjoyed the organic rhino bones.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

I never stated, or implied such. I stated that he lost his ability to practice psychology and to identify himself as a psychologist when he became unlicensed. The fact that he is on TV at all is indicative of the fact that he is not practicing therapy as therapy requires confidentiality; something that is impossible to achieve on a television program. He may still have the knowledge, but he is legally forbidden from applying it as a professional.

Registered user is your status. Drphil is your screen name as that registered user. Perhaps you have a little misunderstanding of cyber speak.
I have noticed I am getting smarter since I got the Cochlear Implant a few years ago. So, I am assuming the magnet is helping my brain to retain more information. I have the strongest magnet available for my MedEl implant due to my thick skin.

Dr. Phil is married to a Vegas hooker and is a pop psycho. He is a quack with no hair .

Jillio If nonsense keeps laughing -carry on.

As for cyber speak- don't use much. My screen/registered name is: drphil. which I have mentioned many times is the computer code to his website: drphil.com

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Jillio If nonsense keeps laughing -carry on.

As for cyber speak- don't use much. My screen/registered name is: drphil. which I have mentioned many times is the computer code to his website: drphil.com

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

Yes. Your nonsense definately keeps me laughing!:laugh2:

Like I said, your screen name is drphil. The real Dr. Phil's website is not pertinent to the discussion at all. No one here (with the exception of you) has any desire to visit the entertainer's website.
Jillio DEFINATELY: Do you appear to spout nonsense: really definitely? Not to be humourous, of course.

Where is the explanation of "pop psycho"?

Implanted Advanced bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Wirelessly posted

There is adhesive from cochlear that allow doctors to remove the internal headpiece magnet and the person still can wear their processor.
The internal/external magnets are used to avoid other methods-opening the skull skin to connect the internal with external which would lead to infection etc. Magnets are the easiest way to accomplish the task.

For more details read Michael Chorost's Book: Rebuilt= pages 205/206.

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07