can you tell me if it's just deaf guys who make crude comments about the size of my breasts, and even speculate about how, when and if I masturbate, or do all guys do this? Is it because we're communicating on the Internet that they feel they can get away with being crude and 7th-grade? It doesn't make me eager to converse with guys who talk like this, and I certainly have no intention of talking to them on VP if I'll be subjected to sexual comments and requests to strip and masturbate for them. I tell ya, if I met these guys in person and they started making comments about the size of my chest and asking if I use a cell phone on "vibrate" as a dildo, I'd give them a look of disgust and walk away and refuse to speak to them again. And they wonder why they're single? and they think I'm still single because I'm "no fun". Puh-leez.