Why it is not such good idea for kids to watch Chicken Little

Oh lord. I suggest some of you go back to the first post and read carefully. Pronounce/sign the words to yourself as you go along if that helps.
Freewoman76 said:
:rofl: sequoiasman96 n vampX are ignored :wave:

Are you saying that Vampy and me are being ignored because they think they're right and we're wrong?
My daughter and I went to see Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (in Closed-caption) tonight.. My daughter didn't want to see that one.. she wanted to see Chicken Little.. I wasn't sure if I should have let her watch it or not.. So I decided not to.. I'm gonna make sure its safe to watch..
Man im laughing. No one bother to read article hard enough and read sequoias's and vamp's post. They put the wrong movie in instead chicken little. I took my nieces to watch chicken little. So its safe to watch. They just screwed up. Relax will ya.
Wolfboy said:
Man im laughing. No one bother to read article hard enough and read sequoias's and vamp's post. They put the wrong movie in instead chicken little. I took my nieces to watch chicken little. So its safe to watch. They just screwed up. Relax will ya.

Well I had to double-check...
Cookie Monster said:
I see why Chicken Little might not good idea for kids to watch, the article tells you why. At least the kids got free tickets.

Wow, that is horrible things to confront of those ages of children by accidently to show the middle of the film. It will effect those children have a nightmare.
sequoias said:
Are you saying that Vampy and me are being ignored because they think they're right and we're wrong?


u and vampx tried telling it is ok to go they keep posting from post #1 :aw:
sequoias said:
read the article carefully, it wasn't chicken little flick. Some movie projector guy messed up and showed the wrong film instead. That's what happened there. It's a foreign flick they saw, not Chicken Little.

Right it is "Andrea" that they were showing by accident.. so they finally got the free tickets to watch Chicken little then..

Chicken little is GOOD and funny movie for kids.. :) u can take them to the movie........ :)
the trailer looks stupid...no offense.

of course there's no such thing as the sky falling... that chicken's sure dumb to realize that. :roll:

Even if Disney was responsible for this, who wouldn't be surprised? Disney has a history of outrageous antics. Watch The Lion King. In the scene where Simba sighs, and collapses, blowing a whole bunch of dust into the air, look closely at the cloud of dust. If you look closely, you can see the word "sex." Look at the cover of the movie Atlantis. If you look on the side of the ship, you can make out the letters "KKK" in the design. Then notice that of all the characters displayed, the only one with a spotlight showing on him is the black character.
its not disneys fault.. it was the movie theater who was responsible to change the movie.. they put the movie "Andrea" by mistake when should have show the movie Chicken Little. sighs..
cental34 said:
Even if Disney was responsible for this, who wouldn't be surprised? Disney has a history of outrageous antics. Watch The Lion King. In the scene where Simba sighs, and collapses, blowing a whole bunch of dust into the air, look closely at the cloud of dust. If you look closely, you can see the word "sex." Look at the cover of the movie Atlantis. If you look on the side of the ship, you can make out the letters "KKK" in the design. Then notice that of all the characters displayed, the only one with a spotlight showing on him is the black character.

:squint: aint this a true facts?


Determine for yourself.
cental34 said:
Even if Disney was responsible for this, who wouldn't be surprised? Disney has a history of outrageous antics. Watch The Lion King. In the scene where Simba sighs, and collapses, blowing a whole bunch of dust into the air, look closely at the cloud of dust. If you look closely, you can see the word "sex." Look at the cover of the movie Atlantis. If you look on the side of the ship, you can make out the letters "KKK" in the design. Then notice that of all the characters displayed, the only one with a spotlight showing on him is the black character.

No wonder Mickey Mouse is an IDIOT! I really never like Mickey Mouse since he is stupid. I like Snoopy and Bugs Bunny better than Mickey Mouse anyways.

Back on Topic.. I will have to watch Chicken Little when it is on DVD and see if it is good enough for my nephews to watch.
you, guys and gals, need to re read the article carefully. the article stated the movie theatre made mistake that they put wrong foreigin film on, not Chicken Little the movie.

the article said:
"..Adults and kids expecting to watch Disney's G-rated animated flick at the AMC Empire 25 theater on 42nd St. were instead presented with a foreign film that opened with a young man committing suicide."

understand ? :squint:

my parent who are very religious and my daughter saw that movie. they loved it. it was very hiliarious. there was no suicide film.