Why isn't the U.S putting high speed trains here?

Yeah only 75MPH it takes 16-18 hours :roll: When an 200MPH train can get you there less than 8 hours

easy - make a "superhighway"... increase speed limit to 100mph :lol:

What the world loves about America is our expansive land to drive on. that's why many motorcyclists around the world love to ride here.
bringing a car via train in America? that's just silly and impractical.

lol wtf? completely silly and impractical. you know what's much cheaper and less damaging to our environment? FLY!

Also we have to consider the weather we get here in USA. Weather would wreck havoc to the high speed train causing a lot of maintenance headaches.
TheJoker, you're so behind with current technologies.

Planes > Train
Hyper loop Rail > Plane

NYC to LA in one hour.


I like your little gif you have on your posts . :)

With all the train accidents we been having lately maybe it's a good thing we don't have high speed trains here. There was just another accident recently a person was going twice the speed limit and people got hurt.

apple-orange. that's like saying we shouldn't have Nascar race of many car accidents every year due to speeding since racing cars are going 3-4x above the speed limit...... as if race cars would be riding on regular roads...

racing car rides on a road specifically built for racing car and high-speed train rides on a railroad specifically built for bullet train...
Cost factor and with the cost of a bullet train you would have to have government involvement and that would increase the cost even more.