Why is it so hard to find a date??

*blush* thanks Flyfishfemme. :D

flyfishfemme said:
The only thing I could think of is get involve in the deaf community such as being a volunteer (like I am) planning for deaf fair, ASL happy hour, CC movie nights, etc. You'll end up making friends and meeting guys at the deaf events or hearing events, whatsoever.

Be patience and the date or the "one" will come...good luck to you, SeattleDeafgrl :fingersx:

Hey sequoias, that's right, you are a good looking and a nice guy!!!
Well, if it makes you feel better, SH left a year ago, and I haven't been on a date or even APPROACHED. I'm in Minneapolis.

My mom met her BF of nine years on one of those local dating services that advertise late at night. (NOT one of the ones with the sleazy girls...LOL)

I've known a LOT of people who've met online or in chat rooms.

Don't know what the secret is, though. If I figure it out, I'll let you know.

And please, if YOU figure it out, TELL ME!
Hi SeattleDeafGrl, I understand about
your situation I'm in the same boat as yours
about where I live.

But, If I live in Seattle area, then
I would even consider ask Sequois to
meet me somewhere for coffee chat like a friend
especially at a public place. He does seem like
a real good guy he would be happy to
show you around or share whatever you
know about Seattle etc...
How does this sound to you ?