I realize that everyone wants something cheap.
Let me ask you a simple question. Do you believe that people who work in the hearing instrument industry should work for free or should they be able to make a living for their families? There is one source of cost.
Next thing is it costs an incredible amount of money to develop a new medical device. A product needs to get regulatory approvals (e.g. following ISO-EN13485 in Europe and FDA in the USA) before it can be sold. In the USA, to protect consumers, manufacturers have to prove efficacy and safety. Hearing Instruments are considered medical devices and as all medical devices and non OTC drugs in the USA have to be given based upon prescription.
Bringing a new hearing instrument (from scratch not an iteration of an existing product) costs in the range of $100M to $150M. Investors can either invest this money into these companies (i.e. YOUR 401(k) plan may invest in these companies and you expect a return on the money you put into your 401(k)). Since they are risky investments (many companies are denied approvals) people investing expect a better ROI than the typical 8% they can get in the general stock market unless it is an established company, but then think that the $100M-$150M needs to produce and annualize 8% ROI fir an established company.
Next, the chip sets inside of HI are custom. You cant spread the cost of a chip set out over TVs, Radios, Ipods, ect. Many audio chip sets for consumer goods all use the same chip. HI all have custom chips. This costs a lot of money. How many iPods do you know of that run at least 16 channels of audio processing with expansion and compression?
In general, the high end HI have the most advanced portable audio processing and you pay for it. Some of the HI manufactures are trying to branch out into the consumer market with their technologies to spread development costs. Here is an example
Amazon.com: Phonak Audeo Perfect Fit Pfe Headphones..Brand New: Electronics
Notice, that even though it is a consumer product, it still isn’t the same as $10 Best Buy headphones. Is there likely a sound/quality difference?