Why is fiber important to you?


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Nov 7, 2005
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I've learned a big great deal of a lesson this time because I spent most of the afternoon being in the hospital due to having excruciating abdominal pains.

From time to time, I'd get abdominal pains or cramps but that usually would go away after I take #2. This time it didn't. It turns out that I've been diagnosed with early stage of diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is the inflammation of diverticula, or small pouches in the colon. This condition is painful and potentially very, very serious. During the time when the inflammation is present, it is not unusual for doctors to ask patients to avoid things that can further irritate this sensitive region. Your gut in that area is like a giant, inflamed sore spot.

When the inflammation dissipates and the condition reverts to diverticulitis that you revert to a high fiber diet. Why? Well, the prevailing wisdom is that the pouches form precisely because there is not enough fiber in an individual's diet, leaving them to strain a great deal to pass feces. By adding fiber, the wisdom continues, there will be a greater ease in passing the matter. Nuts, popcorn, and tortilla chips usually can be consumed -- like anything -- in moderation during this time.

I have not heard of or was aware of this condition until today. It was something that opened my eyes as to how important fiber is.

Diverticulitis (Diverticulosis) Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Information at MedicineNet.com
We must have fiber it important. I know several of my friends who think they don't need fiber. To say their butt's hole bleed after sit on toilet and couldn't sit on butt for few days due pain.
Running away to drink a nice glass of Metamucil!!!
I try to incorportate as much fiber into my diet but sometimes, I find myself reverting back to my old eating habits...white carbs. Gotta stay on top of myself to contantly return to eating fiber.

Hope u feel better soon, Jolie!
Aww. Glad you are Ok now. I agree fiber is important, to eat to balance with fruits, grains and more varies of made fiber. :(

Hope you feel better soon.
Good reminder! Fruit and veggies. Whole grains. Many Americans aren't getting enough. You also need to increase your water intake. Making a mental note to self.

Hope that you're feeling better soon, Jolie.
Jolie glad to hear you are ok. I never heard of this before, thanks for informing us about here. I would think its important to add fiber to your diet to avoid any health issues in the long run.
that's why my mom keeps shoving fruits to me :mad:
Yes, eat plenty of fruits. Buy frozen fruits at any store. Yummy! I have to eat plenty of fiber. Colon cancer runs in my family, and they got it when they were in the 30s and 40s. Rats! I hate colonoscopy!

I ate one Fiber One bar, and it did not go so well. I went to bathroom four times in a row! I'm too sensitive.
Try a homemade fruit smoothy. I like to use milk, frozen or fresh fruit and vanilla frozen yogurt. If you want extra calcium, add some powdered milk. YUM!
Perks of being a vegetarian: so much fiber in my diet that i go 3-4 times a day!

One major negative: bowel's bad timing >.<
Fiber is so important for diabetic people when they control carbohydrate. Fiber reduces the total amount of carbohydrates.

For example:

Carbohydrates = 20g
Sugar = 15g
Total Carbohydrates = 35g
Fibre = 10g

= 25g Total Carbohydrates
I learned it from a medical school a few years ago. Fiber - found in foods such as whole-grain bread and vegetables that provides bulk to enable the large intestine to work and also helps regulate to absorb of nutrients in the small instestine but lack of dietary fiber has been implicated in intestinal disorders such as diverticular disease, chronic constipation, and hemorrhoids.

Jolie, I hope you feel better soon!!! :hug:
oh, Jolie, sorry I missed this, I do hope u feel better! My mom was in the E.R. twice this Summer for same and was finally diagnosed w/diverticulosis, which the inflammation AND infection of the GI tract. I didn't know about it either till my mom.
That fiber connection is so significant, didn't know it was related to this. I eat high amounts of fiber since I eat plant-based, whole foods - no "white" anything on a routine basis. I've so far today had two salads and two apples and several servings of whole grains.
hugs, Jolie:aw:
Thanks, Everybody. :)

I have been feeling much better, progressively during the week and had to take care of myself to get better. I've been eating bit more of these foods that contains fibers in it. Also, I've been doing some brisk walk at work during break time and doing so many other things which is why I haven't been around on AllDeaf as often as I used to be.

After the fibers were added to my diet, I found myself kind of reverting to the old eating habits. That's when I kept having to remind myself to not to revert to it again. Sometime it's hard to stay away and sway back to the regular diet. When I had the abdominal pain, it hurts so bad. I mean, the cramps I had felt was so painful that it made it seem like having a baby in the labor was a piece of a cake. That's how bad it was and it's something I don't want to go through again.

I knew fiber was important to our health but little I didn't realize how BIG it was necessary to incorporate the fibers in the diet.