Why everyone against Bush?

aha! found it



i suggest u to compare both answers to questions at a time... like read bush's first answer to first question then read kerry's first answer to the first question then read bush's answer to 2nd question then read kerry's on 2nd question and go on..

i think u will see why im thinking the way i am thinking about kerry and bush

but then.. im totally idiot about policaty which is why im reading this thread and trying to listen to both sides of who support and who dont... and why.. etc
quiet gal;

President Bush control America, and if something goes wrong, it is his fault!

There are tons of people in this world, God cannot answer every prayers.. If Bush said he was going to created jobs then he needs to stick with his words, Bush said he would get justice for the 9/11 he did not do that either, There are so many he had promised to do and he broke it, so, Don't tell me it is all God's fault, or tell us to pray. That is why we have a government to take care of us (American People) that is why we vote.
Bush is doing his best to find Bin Laden he never said it will be soon so give him time.
Religion and politics do not mix. They are oil and water.

However if you must throw in God into how we vote for a new president, why would I vote for Bush who has "indirectly caused" thousands of innocent people to get slaughtered or maimed in Iraq just because he wants Iraq's oil?

Another example is why would I want to vote for Bush if he has not spoken up about the public controversy of using the name God in the prayers in schools or public places...look at what happened in the South. Yes, Bush may not have all of that power to reverse Supreme Court decisions but surely he can use his power than what he has done.

Other examples are his cutting out Social Services for the poor/elderly/young, not focusing on our domestic problems and his protection of high corporate greed, etc.

There are many examples of what Bush has done in the past 4 years that are not "viewed" Christian-like". But on the other hand, Religion has no place in this political climate. I am a Christian but I am also a realist, knowing that everything is corrupted anyway and I am simply looking for the lesser of two evils whenever I look at an issue. Each one of us has power to change the society but too many people have "couldnt care less" attitude. If every single person speak up on the injustices, this country would be at a better place by now.
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Soonersseth said:
Bush is doing his best to find Bin Laden he never said it will be soon so give him time.

It has been four years, and plus Bush knew about the attacked (9/11) before it happened did he stop that? nope. :o
quiet gal said:
I want to share something here. In general, it for everyone and I am not pointing at anyone. I just felt that I need to share this before the vote. As a Christian, we need to focus on what GOD want us to vote, not what WE want to vote. It is easy to vote without GOD, but is it a right decision? I would suggest thinking about this thoroughly before anyone makes mistake.
I find this completely discusting. Vote how god wants you to vote?
welll.. God is not a republican. or a democrat.. You just used God to tell people to vote republican. Claiming that you know god's will (or voting preference) is the utter HIGHT of arrogance. You are not God, nor can you can make a decision for him. Using God as a campaign ploy is faith abuse.

Worse, your knowledge of the facts is flawed, and thus your basis for choosing. I strongly suggest you recheck your information. Among other things, Bush supports civil unions for gays and supports the late-term abortion ban that applies even when the mothers life is in danger. Kerry has bluntly stated during the presidential debates that the only qualification for a supreme court justice is if he will uphold the constitution.

Remember, you can't always expect BUSH to be PERFECT. We all make mistake. Is he allow to make mistake? We learn from OUR MISTAKE!!! I know I did. Did you? Blaming him WON'T SOLVE THE PROBLEM. If you think something need to be improved, then go out there and DO IT!
You are giving Bush a pass for his mistakes, stating that we learn from it. The first step in that is to ADMIT our mistakes. Twice this year, he was asked point blank if had made a mistake. A simple question, that any imperfect person can answer with hundreds of examples. Bush did not answer either time.
Both of these questions were on national prime time television. One during the debates, and one during a press conference regarding Iraq on April 13. Were you not aware of this?
The president is in charge of the nation.. with far more ability to change the course of history than a simple person like me. The fact that he is not willing to admit his mistakes means the problems of the nation will go unanswered because the president will not even confront them.
Hi everyone, I am sorry to not respond you guys back. I don't mean to blame you to hate Bush. I am trying to understand why some people don't like Bush.
cokewife72 said:
Hi everyone, I am sorry to not respond you guys back. I don't mean to blame you to hate Bush. I am trying to understand why some people don't like Bush.

no hard feelings here. :ily:
Quiet Girl,

Since you brought God up in this thread, there's one question I would like to ask you if I may....

Do you think God will approve this death penalty that Bush support?...
Emerica said:
Maybe you need to check out Micheal Moore lies on google or yahoo...

most of us already knew that, You got urself :Owned:
Beowulf said:
*scoffs* Did you even watch it?

You can watch FAHRENHEIT 911 for free by going to

It is not closed captioned, though, rats.

Get a DVD of F-9/11 and pass it around! That was what I did with my copy of F-9/11 passing it from people to people around. The DVD only cost me 15 bucks with the captioning in it. It was worth it just to get as many votes as possible for Kerry and throw that dumbass squatter outa the White House!
lol just tonight my mom asked me whom I would vote for and since I thought a different president might give us a fresh breath of clean air rather than a re-electred president like Bush who might happen to be President again... :roll: so I thought I might vote for Kerry and my mom yelled at me "no! you are making a bad decision!" there's no telling when he said he would lower taxes but would definetly lie about it and get your taxes higher instead...which isn't good so I dunno...

Bush or Kerry? they are a tie in the race, ya' know...so my folks are voting for Bush and my brother doesn't know who he'll vote yet but proably Bush also :roll:

*shrugs* I guess Bush and Kerry are exacly like oil and water...or whatever like that lol
i suggest you guys to leave God out of it.. God has NOTHING to do with this... everything that has happened is pure created by people who have no morals. God dont take sides... he simply just love us all doesnt matter who we are.. im sure he hates to see us going through all crap about this ... i mean.. he doesnt take sides.. so leave him out of this... give the more serious cases to him such as if u need help with something of ur own personal reason.. thats God's job... our job is simply to survive and to choose to follow him or not. dont make it any complex than that heh
SpiceHD said:
i suggest you guys to leave God out of it.. God has NOTHING to do with this... everything that has happened is pure created by people who have no morals. God dont take sides... he simply just love us all doesnt matter who we are.. im sure he hates to see us going through all crap about this ... i mean.. he doesnt take sides.. so leave him out of this... give the more serious cases to him such as if u need help with something of ur own personal reason.. thats God's job... our job is simply to survive and to choose to follow him or not. dont make it any complex than that heh

I agree here, God does not take any side Bush or Kerry. God give us the free choice to vote which man to run our country. The problem with our country, so many Christians and Catholics are voting Bush because he is against abortions. I am appalled by some of them believe Bush is a godly man and Kerry not so godly man. And Bush uses his christian belief to get more votes from Christian people across the country as it was 4 years ago. I felt he is mocking my faith by using God to win the vote.
AAPD is hardly a disabled organization. Theyre a Republican front as they have been in the past 10 yrs.

Richard Roehm
What in the hell is pishing? Most people know I'm a republican and I think its good to know that the deaf world has websites from both major parties. Point is to have healthy discourse and to use the power of your vote, irregardless of the Party you belong to, not whining like your'e doing here.