Wow I'm moving to Australia. Here in Britian Interpreters are very expensive. I hired a terp over a year ago and it cost me over 50 pounds so after that I decide I can't afford terps but it means that going to things like meetings etc... would be very boring so I never attend them. I just go to activities like meals, rambling etc that don't require much interpretation and I communicate with people via block captials on my hand or my communication card. There are times when a terp would come in useful though.
Don't forget you received Disability Living Allowance to cover for the British Interpreter fee!!
I don't received the Disability Living Allowance and I don't received the bills from them is because the Australian Government pay for them on my behalf.
I don't think that deaf people are eligable for benifits if they work.
You can get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) whether or not you work, also it won't matter how much money you have in the bank!
As a deafblind person I don't do too badly as I manage without terps and don't use taxi's. However I know some deafblind who are struggling financially due to the high cost of terps etc... Mind you she's also got more animals then she can really afford.
Have you make a claim with DLA??
I've not been abroad for years. Never mind buying a Villa. I'd spend it on a Braille display if I'd got it. As that, along with training is NOT being provided for.
Have you got a full time Job??
In Birmingham they had free transport for the blind. Nothing for the deaf as far as I know. That was withdrawn a few years ago but their was a major fight about it so we now have free travel again and don't even have to pay 17 pounds a year for the pass like I did for the first one I had.
Since when? I didn't have ANY subtitles when I was just deaf. I did try to read subtitles at some point when part of my sight first returned with the help of magnification but it was very difficult and anyway there wasn't subtitles for everything I wanted to watch. I don't even have a TV now.
I used to be a member with British Railway to give me a discount to buy tickets annually, it is for everyone too.
Don't have ANY subtitles when you become deaf is because your watching the wrong TV model, as some TVs don't come with Teletext Ceefax - did you know that???
I went to UK in 1998 and was pleased to see 24 hour subtitiles showing on my parent's Teletext Ceefax TV. Before that, it was about 5 hours more or less. Now they have pay Satelitte dishes TV channels, nearly all programmes carry with subtitles too.
Oh that's explain why you don't have a TV now.
I think the Blind used to have to pay half price. I don't know if they have to pay anything or not but I don't like that Deaf compaire themselves with Blind and think we have a free ride because we don't. I have to pay for most devises to do with Blindness such as long cane, regular replacement tip for cane, Panasonic devise, monocular, braille embosser etc... My guide dog is free though. The guide dog association pay everything for her and have helped funding for expensive tecnology in the past. Also a charity did pay for my extra large print minicom. When it dies of Old age I'm not sure if they will pay for another one.
Like I said in my previous post about Deaf envy of the Blind over the TV licence is because the Blind only pay 30 pound sterling per year, the Hearing people and Deaf people pay same price - 150 pound sterling per year, as the Deaf people complain because they can't hear the music on telly while the Hearing is better advantage!!!!!!!!! That's why the Deaf people email me to sign the petition about it, I declined to get involved. Blind got it dirt cheap while they ALSO received the DLA too!!!!! - why its unfair.
Don't know where you get that impression from. I don't know how the elderly are treated like in Australia but my uncle lives in Australia. He's over 70 and gets much better health care then my dad does. My dad says the elderly here in Britain are treated very badly. They often have to go into homes when they could manage to stay in sheltered accomodation if they got a little more help
Your Uncle is lucky not to have any terminate illness like Parkinson Diseases, as he can look after himself and don't need a Carer to look after him full time.
Benefits for people who are sick or disabled
Anyway I am going to give you few links as self explantory about DLA for the British Residents.
Disability Living Allowance - Patient UK
DWP - Services and benefits - Disabled people and carers
Disability Living Allowance : Directgov - Disabled people