Why do people call America FREE when it's not?

It´s bad that you didn´t pay attention to any posters enough.
What makes you think that I don't pay attention to other posters?

I didn´t forget that you have some personal experiences in several threads. I were there to support you. I find sad that you forget quickly.
I thought we were discussing this thread and not off topic?
Wow I'm moving to Australia. Here in Britian Interpreters are very expensive. I hired a terp over a year ago and it cost me over 50 pounds so after that I decide I can't afford terps but it means that going to things like meetings etc... would be very boring so I never attend them. I just go to activities like meals, rambling etc that don't require much interpretation and I communicate with people via block captials on my hand or my communication card. There are times when a terp would come in useful though.

Don't forget you received Disability Living Allowance to cover for the British Interpreter fee!!

I don't received the Disability Living Allowance and I don't received the bills from them is because the Australian Government pay for them on my behalf.

I don't think that deaf people are eligable for benifits if they work.

You can get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) whether or not you work, also it won't matter how much money you have in the bank!

As a deafblind person I don't do too badly as I manage without terps and don't use taxi's. However I know some deafblind who are struggling financially due to the high cost of terps etc... Mind you she's also got more animals then she can really afford.

Have you make a claim with DLA??

I've not been abroad for years. Never mind buying a Villa. I'd spend it on a Braille display if I'd got it. As that, along with training is NOT being provided for.

Have you got a full time Job??

In Birmingham they had free transport for the blind. Nothing for the deaf as far as I know. That was withdrawn a few years ago but their was a major fight about it so we now have free travel again and don't even have to pay 17 pounds a year for the pass like I did for the first one I had.

Since when? I didn't have ANY subtitles when I was just deaf. I did try to read subtitles at some point when part of my sight first returned with the help of magnification but it was very difficult and anyway there wasn't subtitles for everything I wanted to watch. I don't even have a TV now.

I used to be a member with British Railway to give me a discount to buy tickets annually, it is for everyone too.

Don't have ANY subtitles when you become deaf is because your watching the wrong TV model, as some TVs don't come with Teletext Ceefax - did you know that???

I went to UK in 1998 and was pleased to see 24 hour subtitiles showing on my parent's Teletext Ceefax TV. Before that, it was about 5 hours more or less. Now they have pay Satelitte dishes TV channels, nearly all programmes carry with subtitles too.

Oh that's explain why you don't have a TV now.

I think the Blind used to have to pay half price. I don't know if they have to pay anything or not but I don't like that Deaf compaire themselves with Blind and think we have a free ride because we don't. I have to pay for most devises to do with Blindness such as long cane, regular replacement tip for cane, Panasonic devise, monocular, braille embosser etc... My guide dog is free though. The guide dog association pay everything for her and have helped funding for expensive tecnology in the past. Also a charity did pay for my extra large print minicom. When it dies of Old age I'm not sure if they will pay for another one.

Like I said in my previous post about Deaf envy of the Blind over the TV licence is because the Blind only pay 30 pound sterling per year, the Hearing people and Deaf people pay same price - 150 pound sterling per year, as the Deaf people complain because they can't hear the music on telly while the Hearing is better advantage!!!!!!!!! That's why the Deaf people email me to sign the petition about it, I declined to get involved. Blind got it dirt cheap while they ALSO received the DLA too!!!!! - why its unfair.

Don't know where you get that impression from. I don't know how the elderly are treated like in Australia but my uncle lives in Australia. He's over 70 and gets much better health care then my dad does. My dad says the elderly here in Britain are treated very badly. They often have to go into homes when they could manage to stay in sheltered accomodation if they got a little more help

Your Uncle is lucky not to have any terminate illness like Parkinson Diseases, as he can look after himself and don't need a Carer to look after him full time.
Benefits for people who are sick or disabled

Anyway I am going to give you few links as self explantory about DLA for the British Residents.

Disability Living Allowance - Patient UK

DWP - Services and benefits - Disabled people and carers

Disability Living Allowance : Directgov - Disabled people
I noticed that disabitity rights are improve much better since Opal & I left England to live other countries in 80s.[/COLOR]

No. I'm afraid it hasn't really. Lots of services that I used to benifit from such as Torquey Manor house have had to shut down through lack of funds. If you ever read the petitions that our government are getting it seems this is a general thing. It seems to me their has been more closures then there has been new openings. Sorry if I sound so negative.

Your right about it depending on where in England you actually live. To give you some Idea of the various services here's a breif summary of what has been on offer in various areas at various times. I also spent time at RNCB in Hereford and Wolverhapton Uni (although I was commuting). I did get terps paid for by the uni as well as a fair amount of equipment but there were problems. Also I have a friend in London. At one time I spent a lot of time at her place and she asked about travel passes for me but since I didn't live in London permamently I wasn't eligable for one.

Doncaster: (As deaf person) 1987/1988. There was a pass that enabled me to have really cheap travel. At that time the price of travel was cheap anyway so a half price consession was quite affordable. I did get benifit money for being deaf but can't remember how much. As I was studying at Doncaster Deaf college interpretation didn't really come into it. There was also a really good centre for the blind in the public library with a Blind guy on duty who taught me braille.

Newcastle Under Lyme: Where we lived from age 5 onwards.
My Dad still lives there. We had to travel to get most things done. I lived with my Mum and Brother. I think Mum got extra money for me for being a disabled but for some reason or other it was cut off in my teens. The local hearing aid place isn't much to go by. We had to go to Birmingham to get decent hearing aids. There was a free bus pass for the blind and I think half fare for deaf but it's such a long time ago it's hard to remember. I do go there to a ceramic course and I'm actually provided with a terp that the college pays for although we did have to fight for that.

Stafford: About 1992/3
There was a decent sports club for disabled which I attended and also I did volentary work at Blind centre. No bus pass for the blind to speak of. Never mind for the deaf. I think I had a terp for one term at pottery class which was actually paid for but then they decided they couldn't afford it any more so my family had to travel from Newcastle under lyme to act as interpreter themselves. There was a good rehabilitation officer but apart from that the rest of social services were terrible. They once ran a meeting deciding that I needed to go to a special clinic for deaf with Mental health problems.

Peterbough 1993/9:
Here I had free bus pass, regular interpreters although they definately were NOT free although a good deal cheaper then the ones I am offered right now. I had a volentary job working as a Massaur for this local day centre. I even had some councilling due to recovering from Anorexia nervosia. This is probably one of the better places.

Birmingham: 1999 to presant day.

This has to be one of the worse places although it's got a good vegan comunity which is why I havent moved. There are plenty of services for the disabled in Birmingham but I don't get help from any of them at the moment. I used to get help from Sense but things went down hill with them. Especially since I made myself intentionally homeless. I did go to a rehabilitation centre which was useful. Another social worker offered to replace them and provide me with interpreter herself but withdrew her support because of my rodents. The deaf Association wouldn't help because at the time of asking I was HOH and legally blind. She said she only help Deaf people so not interested in me. I couldn't get help from Solihul because I live in Birmingham dispite being just over the border.

Since then I've had various meetings with Social services which makes offers and then fizzles to nothing. They don't even bother answering my emails any more. The last time I had a terp I was charged over 50 pounds. So ok, I'll confess I'm bitter and Mum's death through a curable cancer about caps it all. Still they say an it's an ill wind that blows no luck at all. Being forced to manage on my own, I feel I've become more independant a result.
Don't forget you received Disability Living Allowance to cover for the British Interpreter fee!!

I don't received the Disability Living Allowance and I don't received the bills from them is because the Australian Government pay for them on my behalf.

My dad used to work at CAB so he knows all about Benifit money. I get middle rate care and high rate mobility as I'm deafblind. However at 50 pounds a session I still find terps way too much so I choose to do without them.

Actually I'll have to correct myself. For education they do pay for your terp and they are supposed to pay also if you need one for hospital. However I've never actually been given a terp. Either dad goes with me or they use my communication card. For anything else you have to pay yourself.

You can get Disability Living Allowance (DLA) whether or not you work, also it won't matter how much money you have in the bank!

I'll check on this with my dad. As he actually worked at the CAB who help people get the money they are intitled to, he will proably know more then me.

Have you got a full time Job??

You've got to be joking. I find it hard enough to find volentary work although I have had volentary work in the past and would like to get back to doing so again.

I used to be a member with British Railway to give me a discount to buy tickets annually, it is for everyone too.

How long ago was that. British rail used to be more affordable but getting cheaper tickets can be a challange. I should know as I've just booked some advanced tickets to travel to London and also to Taunton in Somerset. It's the cheapest way of doing it but I had to travel to Birmingham international railway station to get them as their phones were forever engaged and the local railway station didn't sell them. If I miss the train then it means that I will have to pay out a lot of money as they are only valid for a certain train. I think things were cheaper in the past.

Don't have ANY subtitles when you become deaf is because your watching the wrong TV model, as some TVs don't come with Teletext Ceefax - did you know that???

I did but my mum is on benifits and I wasn't getting anything at the time so we couldn't afford ceefax. Besides I didn't become deaf. I was born with a 40 db loss which gradually deteriated. I then lost my sight.

Your Uncle is lucky not to have any terminate illness like Parkinson Diseases, as he can look after himself and don't need a Carer to look after him full time.

What makes you think he would get a carerer if he had Parkins in Britain? When my mum had cancer my dad was her sole carerer. The doctor didn't even let her claim benifits because she was supposed to have been cured of cancer. They treated her very badly. When my dad developed heart condition they just gave him a load of pills which my uncle advised him to flush down the toilet and advised him to alter his diet instead. He's still alive and fairly well. All considering.
My dad used to work at CAB so he knows all about Benifit money. I get middle rate care and high rate mobility as I'm deafblind. However at 50 pounds a session I still find terps way too much so I choose to do without them.

Be happy to get some help from the Government for your middle rate care and high rate mobility DLA allowance!!!

Actually I'll have to correct myself. For education they do pay for your terp and they are supposed to pay also if you need one for hospital. However I've never actually been given a terp. Either dad goes with me or they use my communication card. For anything else you have to pay yourself.

What makes you think what is DLA is for??? To spent on your Clothes??? It is only for terp if you want to use them or not, you are lucky to chose to be independant and pocket this DLA for yourself. It is your own freewill to make an appointment to use the terps if you need it.

I'll check on this with my dad. As he actually worked at the CAB who help people get the money they are intitled to, he will proably know more then me.


You've got to be joking. I find it hard enough to find volentary work although I have had volentary work in the past and would like to get back to doing so again.

Oh that's explain why you recently saying you cannot afford holiday overseas. Find a job!!!

How long ago was that. British rail used to be more affordable but getting cheaper tickets can be a challange. I should know as I've just booked some advanced tickets to travel to London and also to Taunton in Somerset. It's the cheapest way of doing it but I had to travel to Birmingham international railway station to get them as their phones were forever engaged and the local railway station didn't sell them. If I miss the train then it means that I will have to pay out a lot of money as they are only valid for a certain train. I think things were cheaper in the past.

Same here, some phones are forever engaged, so I am using TTY (minicom) special phone numbers and I find it is much better as the queue is not too bad.

I did but my mum is on benifits and I wasn't getting anything at the time so we couldn't afford ceefax. Besides I didn't become deaf. I was born with a 40 db loss which gradually deteriated. I then lost my sight.

Yes TV is not cheap to buy. and of course the annunal fee

What makes you think he would get a carerer if he had Parkins in Britain? When my mum had cancer my dad was her sole carerer. The doctor didn't even let her claim benifits because she was supposed to have been cured of cancer. They treated her very badly. When my dad developed heart condition they just gave him a load of pills which my uncle advised him to flush down the toilet and advised him to alter his diet instead. He's still alive and fairly well. All considering.

I see it is big different between Heart disease and Cancer compared with Parkinson Disease, MS, NMD etc

Because Cancer and Heart patient don't need a wheelchair and some of them are lucky to cure and improved after the chemo and operations, whereas the Parkinson Diseases, MS, NMD is different, they become inmobility and cannot live independant, and downhill. Their bodies is stiff with paralized slowly. so I was shocked to see you saying they should be working!!!!

Cancer and Heart patients will go back to work in the long run!!!
wow i ddnt know that mothers get bonus money just for having babies? dang! that encourage kids to have babies out of wedlock which i disagreed with... due to hiv, stds and etc.. not good idea.... dang...

and in some way we are free cuz we go where we want to.. no restrictions.. we can do whatever we want in privacy of our homes.. etc.. so in some ways i know laws are ridiclous but it does help to protect us...

as for the health insurances.. whoever are poor do have mediciad and have surgery but dont wait up to 8 months.. we set the date whenever we are available to have the surgery.

I concur! Plus, the American form of government beats the snot out of the British monarchy and we don't have to curtsy to some bitch who doesn't care (Queen Elizabeth II).

In addition, the last thing we need are a bunch of horny teenagers who have umpteen kids and can't care for them. Putting them up for adoption? Any fool can do that and any fool can get pregnant for free money is a moocher.
That's a weird thing for you to say. My one :rofl: was in reply to your :lol: at me. I guess it's OK for you to laugh at and mock me but I can't do the same.

Then I wonder why you laugh at me in your posts? Oh, well.

You just added emocition on your post which I doesn't. I added emoticion and then explain... I am only doing is care about people how to aviod from anyone who tries to "cheat" or whatever... All what you do is talk about law and think business owners stick law. It's not mock what I said to you but tell you that it's naive to beleive that business owners stick the law.

First of all, I'm sorry that you feel being negative and discrimiate by them... I would suggest you to check with legal adviser.. It cost you nothing.

I talked my British friend via MSN last Saturday afternoon. She was total surprised about your negative comment over blind rights which it couldn't be. As far as she know that blind people get more rights than deaf people.

She explained that apply for deaf allowance for the whole Great Britain, not just London or some areas. It depend on difference amounts... Example: You are blind, you get more than deaf allowance. My friend and her 8 years old deaf daughter get more Disability Allowance than her husband because he is just deaf... She & her daughter have more than just deaf. Every adult including children get disablity allowance, no matter what... wow!!!

It's great that Opal provided some link for you... I hope those links, Opal provided helps.

You fianance the interpreter's cost out of disablity allowance but it depend on difference either you fianance the cost or not... Example: they want you to be there or whatever then they have pay the interpreter for you, not your disabilty allowance.
Actually I'll have to correct myself. For education they do pay for your terp and they are supposed to pay also if you need one for hospital. However I've never actually been given a terp. Either dad goes with me or they use my communication card. For anything else you have to pay yourself.

Yes, they pay for your interpreter only if you are at hospitail, education and your present at somewhere are being request. Anything than important issues, you have to pay interpreter out of disablity allowance. I think you need to search sufficient information.

My friend explained me last Saturday sound similar to Germany. They have disability allowance in North Germany (Deaf) and disablity allowance for blind around the Germany, then they fianance the Interpreter cost themselves but they don't finance the interpreter cost when they attend school, hospitail, court, emerengcies. We (southern Germany) don't have disabilty allowance for the deaf but depend on Agency for the Interpreter Central where the government pays them for our need.

We fighting for years to get disablitly allowance as in North Germany and England then we can fianance Interpreter cost ourselves. I don't think we will get it.

I'll check on this with my dad. As he actually worked at the CAB who help people get the money they are intitled to, he will proably know more then me.

Why depend on your Dad? No matter either he had an experience or not... You can search more information to find out...

How long ago was that. British rail used to be more affordable but getting cheaper tickets can be a challange. I should know as I've just booked some advanced tickets to travel to London and also to Taunton in Somerset. It's the cheapest way of doing it but I had to travel to Birmingham international railway station to get them as their phones were forever engaged and the local railway station didn't sell them.

I has to agree with you... We were total shock when we saw the prices of underground... Example: one way to only 2 stops cost 9 pounds. I can image it must be cost bomb to use railway.

I would say that disabled people are very lucky to get free transportation except railway but they get special disabilty discount for use Railway and plus free TTT (minicom), discount phone bill (same here in Germany as well), disablity allowance...

Opposite to here in Germany, use transportation are cheaper than drive cars. We get discount telephone bill for around Germany only, free clock alarm, baby cries, flash lighting, etc. except TTT and VP because we should use fax, moblie phone, online, webcam.

For deaf, we have one choice to use free transportation - 60 EUR per year around 50 km or 50% discount tax on car.

If I miss the train then it means that I will have to pay out a lot of money as they are only valid for a certain train. I think things were cheaper in the past.


What makes you think he would get a carerer if he had Parkins in Britain? When my mum had cancer my dad was her sole carerer. The doctor didn't even let her claim benifits because she was supposed to have been cured of cancer. They treated her very badly. When my dad developed heart condition they just gave him a load of pills which my uncle advised him to flush down the toilet and advised him to alter his diet instead. He's still alive and fairly well. All considering.

Well, the carerer only doing their job for the people who suffer incurable illness who can't stand up and walk... It's same here in Germany.

Why should the doctor apply carerer for your mother when he know your mother is not incurable illness?

Here in Germany, many patients suffer cancer but depend on % of cure - they are being sent to 6 to 8 weeks Spa (rehab.) after surgery until they are cure... It's not just cancer but anything after surgery including CI surgery...

If their illness are really incurable then apply carerer... It's same with my MIL as well. They respected my MIL's wish for stay at home and being care by carer and FIL instead of stay in the hospitail. They send bed to her home and stay in living room... carer and doctor come time to time... if any emergency, they are there for her...

My hubby got heart rhymus and face palazyed at 4 years ago... He do not need carer because he can walk and care of himself. He positive his health until his heart rhymus and face palazyed gone...
I concur! Plus, the American form of government beats the snot out of the British monarchy and we don't have to curtsy to some bitch who doesn't care (Queen Elizabeth II).
Hmm, I'm trying to visualize you doing a curtsy . . .

... It's not mock what I said to you but tell you that it's naive to beleive that business owners stick the law.
Which of course is a misrepresentation of what I posted. I never said that business owners stick to the law, and I emphasized that more than once.

I still don't understand why it's OK for you to use :lol: but it's not OK for me to use :rofl: I just can't keep up with all your "rules".
Which of course is a misrepresentation of what I posted. I never said that business owners stick to the law, and I emphasized that more than once.

I still don't understand why it's OK for you to use :lol: but it's not OK for me to use :rofl: I just can't keep up with all your "rules".

You added just one emoticon which sound like you mock or make fun...or think something negative which I doesn't. I added one emoction and then carried on type some sentences explaining why... Just add emoticon without explain ?

You keep on talk about law... business owner can't do anything etc... accord the law... I tried to explain that business owners are too smart when they know about the law.
You added just one emoticon which sound like you mock or make fun...or think something negative which I doesn't. I added one emoction and then carried on type some sentences explaining why... Just add emoticon without explain ?
I didn't realize that emoticons had to be "explained."

You keep on talk about law... business owner can't do anything etc... accord the law... I tried to explain that business owners are too smart when they know about the law.
Do you mean just American business owners? Or business owners in general?
Opal: Like I said, I asked my dad. This is the reply I got:

It is true that Disability Living Allowance is a non-means tested benefit, so that no matter how much you earn, even if you happen to be the Duke of Westminster, you can claim the benefit. And you will not be required to pop along to the Job Centre every five minutes either. You might lose it if by a miracle your health improves. Means-tested benefits like Income Support and Severe Disablement Benefit, on the other hand do depend on how much you earn and how much savings you have.

Your Australian correspondent is wrong about the deaf living in the lap of luxury. You have to jump through all kinds of hoops to get even minimum benefits. The tests on the degree of deafness are clearly set out - so you have to be pretty much profoundly deaf to get anything. Then you have to show that you depend on carers to function in the community, which is not easy. Basically you have to demonstrate that you are not safe in public places without help. If you have a supportive family and you communicate using sign language you may not get benefits at all. And at the end of the day, the typical benefit is the Care component of Disablement Allowance low rate (£15.55 a week) or at best the middle rate (£39.35 per week).

So it's not even enough to pay for one terp session even if you do get it.

As for me getting a Job. Like I said, I really would like to work and I have offered my services transcribing braille but so far no one has taken me up on that. I will be busy making things to sell on a craft stall sometime in November but I'll be lucky if the money I raise covers my travel expenses never mind the cost of materials etc... Do you think it is easy for a deafblind person, especially one who at time suffers from mental health issues, to get a job. Mum, who is hearing sighted and also suffered mental health issues could never find work either. Believe me I would work if I could and have done in the past. I've even tried to donate blood but they are putting obsticles in my path.

When did I ever talk about people with heart condition or Cancer working? I don't even know where you get this from.

Liebling: Sorry I can't reply to your posts just yet. I am really upset at the moment because of some of Opal's comments about getting a job when that's something I would love to have so his comments I've found extremely upsetting. So I think I will give this subject a complete break.
Last edited:

I would add "American" in my post if I refer to but I didn't.
I just wanted to be sure.

Since we were discussing the ADA, that applies only to the United States.

When I posted the legal interpreting requirements for businesses under the ADA, that applies only to businesses in the United States.

I don't think a broad statement about business practices can be made. Each country conducts business differently. The laws, economic philosophies, and customs are much different in each country.
Opal: Like I said, I asked my dad. This is the reply I got:

So it's not even enough to pay for one terp session even if you do get it.

As for me getting a Job. Like I said, I really would like to work and I have offered my services transcribing braille but so far no one has taken me up on that. I will be busy making things to sell on a craft stall sometime in November but I'll be lucky if the money I raise covers my travel expenses never mind the cost of materials etc... Do you think it is easy for a deafblind person, especially one who at time suffers from mental health issues, to get a job. Mum, who is hearing sighted and also suffered mental health issues could never find work either. Believe me I would work if I could and have done in the past. I've even tried to donate blood but they are putting obsticles in my path.

When did I ever talk about people with heart condition or Cancer working? I don't even know where you get this from.

Liebling: Sorry I can't reply to your posts just yet. I am really upset at the moment because of some of Opal's comments about getting a job when that's something I would love to have so his comments I've found extremely upsetting. So I think I will give this subject a complete break.

I told you that not matter how much you earn, you will still get the allowance money, you said oh I will ask Dad!!!!

It is you who bring up the subject about heart and cancer. Please re-read your posts. I explained to your answer why!!!

I still think England is better than Australia about DLA.

Good luck in hunting for a job.

OK I am going to leave it a rest.:)
Hmm, I'm trying to visualize you doing a curtsy . . .


And I don't kiss any hands, either, Reba, unless it's yours or Maria's. :rofl: By the way, I shouldn't have said the "bitch" word, but it's the only one I could think of to describe her. Sorry if that offended, as it did me when I read it again.
And I don't kiss any hands, either, Reba, unless it's yours or Maria's. :rofl: By the way, I shouldn't have said the "bitch" word, but it's the only one I could think of to describe her. Sorry if that offended, as it did me when I read it again.
Apology accepted. :)

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