why did girl dump guy at college?

One thought on reading some of "matajan" questions- who can give the "wildest" answer! Try a more pertinent one: why does matajan key here in the first place?

Implanted Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Come on man, you keep telling us how smart you're , so what with asking a dumb question? If you're that bored get a hobby and stop with all these questions!
The right symbol stands for the concept of infinity. I guess it's a more extreme way of saying "+1", yah know?

yahh..i get it, and yes i recognise it now and yes it mean infinity in mathematics theoretical studies, particularily abstract mathematics which paved ways to micro-ising of 'everything'(esp micro chips designing and nanotech, and even just synthetic materials being made from understanding compounds and its structure in order to make it.... and so on...

lol yup! i see your wit, as influence by MIT's 'academic culture' ha ha ha...

its an even smarter and a more exaggerated version of the "+1"

Oh...whatdidyousay, +1 means like Plus me, or me too, like I concur...to add to the list thats the opinion firmly agreed 'in here' in the thread...