When I transferred from Gallaudet to any college that is accredited, the colleges laughed at me and said the classes I took were below the level where you earn credits.
So basically, the colleges is trying to say that Gallaudet credits are no good and I have to challenge the classes to have the credits once again.
Gallaudet is accredited sure, but only cause it's over 100+ years old. Thomas Gallaudet would burn down the school if he knew what was going on today. Only reason why people talk bad about Gallaudet is because they can't get anywhere through Galluadet but in the deaf world, you can get somewhere.
In the real world, it is your knowledge that leads you to the place where you want to be. In my case, it was my experience that pulled me through a lot.
I tried to get my Gallaudet credits to apply to these school, so far, failure.
Shasta Community College
Butte Community College
Chico State University
Golden West Community College
Art Institute of California
I'm sure RIT's credits are transferable because it has around 8 different college including NTID under it.
You can subsititue Biology with science related to it. Like Chemistry, Marine Biology, and Computer Science.
For medical purpose, you take Chemsitry for you can create a formula to make a medicine.
For water science, Marine Biology.
For technology, Computer Science.
Understand this, all that arrangment you have to pick classes, you have the control, not the faerie counselors.
You can say no and yes. It is your choice, but listen very carefully, for it might not take you where you want to go.
Good luck.
Just say no.