I would like to add a comment. I think that it is a good idea to get a good tripod so that it makes you professional. I have a strong and little heavy tripod, and I love it. For a digital movie camera, it is hard because it is always expensive to buy a professional digital video camera. Like this (google):
I would like to recommend you to make your own website. Also put your website address colorful label on your tripod and your sign on your back car. That would be a good start. I'm just giving you a brainstorm.
Deafilmedia, check out this brand new site. It has everything in various segments of the artist world ever done by deaf folks and more to come.
Jane was a close friend of mine at Gallaudet eons ago. This should keep you shocked and awed for a month! Never again will you say the deaf fail at this n' that.....
Sorry about that--dunno what happened....hope this works...
Reflections Through a DeafLens
Reflections Through a DeafLens
Sorry about that--dunno what happened....hope this works...
I don't see other deaf film makers name down.
Well, it's not in her vlog...the information is at the sides, categorized & archived..you just have to look.....I am also sure you only know of a few names but Peter Wolf is there. Lol...
Yes it makes sense. The problem is I am antisocial...
I didn't mean to say that... that deaf people aren't friendly and stuff...
I just upset about other thing... Me.
Wow that is a pretty camera. Thank you Webexplorer, I'm gonna ask
God to bless you.
Well if this film career is really meant for me... then I hope that other
filmmakers will give me a hand and let me join with them in their crew....
Maybe it will break my antisocial behavior.
Anti -social is not a good thing, try and get out of it and go somewhere you can find deaf people who has the same interest in film making, this will make you feel good, and perhaps, form a new crew for your new film in the near future?
What you have just said - go for it! Just don't bother about the "anti" social, just go out there and social more and try and get invovled in group who have the same interests as yours, as said previously.