Personally, I wish deaf education would eliminate teaching spoken language skills altogether. Speech is overrated and deaf people, no matter how hard they try, will never fully master it. Believe me, I've worked so fucking hard to have speech like hearing people...and what so I get? "Are you have an accent.". I get to hear my four year old kid correct me on punctuation and articulation. I become more self-conscious and always feel I'm never good enough. I do believe in exposure to spoken language to use speech reading skills and cue speech to learn the visual representation of morphomes and all that...but only for literacy purposes. Deaf Education needs to get brass balls and really start realizing that deaf kids can and will master English if they are fluent in American Sign Language (or the deaf language of their country such as Auslan). If teachers are fully trained in bi-bi methods (many are not). If they would start the kids at the deaf school from the beginning instead of mainstreaming them only for them to fail and end up at the deaf schools with major gaps and delays. If they would eliminate the stupid and irrelevant requirements of NCLB. And if they would develop appropriate assessments for deaf/hh kids. And if they would provide parents with the support tey need in order to be advocates for their children.