Why are you deaf?

I believe that it had to do with the many ear infections that I had as a child. I was also born premature and was fitted with my first hearing aids at 16. Over the summer I asked for my hearing to be retested and they found no changes but I've noticed that when I sleep on my right ear and left ear is exposed I cant hear anything(left ear has more hearing loss) When sleeping on my left side and right ear is exposed the sounds sometimes wake me at night. so I do believe in the 4 years that I have gotten my hearing aids that i've had more hearing loss.
my daughter was born hoh.. they say cause she was born a month early and then being put under bili lights didn't hep, but i think lights had nothing to do with it because her loss is do to her nerves...

A lot of times premature babies are born and it does not affect deafness. My twin nephews were born 5 weeks premature and they are not deaf. Some docs do not know any better shit still to this day. Ugh.
That is what AGB was really afraid of - a Deaf race!

He was a pure moron to believe that hearing person marrying Deafie would prevent having a deaf child.

I've seen and met the numbers of deafie/hearie spouses have hoh/Deaf children.
I am deaf due to birth defects in both middle ears called Large Vestibular Aqueducts, also know as LVA. Besides deafness that birth defect can also cause a myriad of other health issues, so that is called Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome - or LVAS.

Even though I was born with this, my hearing didn't start deteriorating until age 4, at which point it started to deteriorate rather quickly. I was profoundly deaf at age 11 after falling and hitting my head on something, by age 23 there was next to no hearing whatsoever.
I should have said, I am deaf because God made me that way, but that causes too much friction.
How one deals with fact of deafness-is one's choice re:ASL et al/Cochlear Implants/ignore.Theologically speaking-your choice is not "grace".
I have been bilateral DEAF since December 20, 2006.
I knew from 1992 I would eventually become DEAF as a results from all tests performed in 1992 re: Right ear eg. cancer/tumours etc ENT clinic-St Michaels Hospital/Toronto.That is why I took intro ASL classes-Toronto High schools as well Coping with Hearing Loss Cdn Hearing Society/Toronto

Implanted Sunnybrook/Toronto Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
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How one deals with fact of deafness-is one's choice re:ASL et al/Cochlear Implants/ignore.Theologically speaking-your choice is not "grace".
I have been bilateral DEAF since December 20, 2006.

Implanted Sunnybrook/Toronto Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07

In other words, neither God nor the devil has anything to do with it, and it is just a physical condition!

Healthy thinking. :)
I'm HoH- was diagnosed with hearing loss a couple years ago (and I'd just thought people mumbled a lot... :giggle:). When I went back for my next test a year later I'd lost another 20db. They think its just genetics- both my dad and grandfather have some degree of hearing loss- but they don't know why it it going so fast for me, or hit me in my 20s when it didn't for them til they were older.
Everytime I read the original question, "Why are you deaf?" I want to answer, "Uh, because I can't hear.":giggle:
Permanent sensorineural hearing loss. The hair cells are profoundly damaged in the L ear and moderately damaged in the R ear. Why my hair cells are damaged is beyond me. I was born with the loss and it wasn't detected until I was aged 4 in which I was labelled as 'retarded' until then because there was delays in my speech. My mom says I was nearly 3 before I began to speak, and even then it was mostly 'babbling' as she called it. I was also known during my younger years for having tantrums. Looking back it was probably because I wasn't able to communicate. It's only recently I've found out this stuff and now I'm curious to dig for more. I want to find out if this is hereditary or if this was something I was exposed to while still in the womb.
Permanent sensorineural hearing loss. The hair cells are profoundly damaged in the L ear and moderately damaged in the R ear. Why my hair cells are damaged is beyond me. I was born with the loss and it wasn't detected until I was aged 4 in which I was labelled as 'retarded' until then because there was delays in my speech. My mom says I was nearly 3 before I began to speak, and even then it was mostly 'babbling' as she called it. I was also known during my younger years for having tantrums. Looking back it was probably because I wasn't able to communicate. It's only recently I've found out this stuff and now I'm curious to dig for more. I want to find out if this is hereditary or if this was something I was exposed to while still in the womb.

I was told SNHL was hereditary and I was the reason my kids have it. We never found where I got mine.
I was told SNHL was hereditary and I was the reason my kids have it. We never found where I got mine.

You probably got yours at a gene swap meet! :giggle: I'm sure that's where I got mine since I am the one and only with it in my family.

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