Why are you deaf?

I was born with a hearing loss and been lossing hearing ever since. They are still unsure the reason and still doing testing here and there, but I really don't care for the reason anymore.. I am just happy being me.

Just be. Everyone should be that way.
I don't think anyone "ceases being me" whether deaf or not. How one deals with the condition is "up to you".

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I don't know if I was literally born with it, or if I got it from the oxygen halo I was in (premature birth). At any rate, it was from the time period of birth.
No one is sure why I started losing my hearing. I was born with lots of fluid in my ear and went through three or four sets of tubes (which I remember with much chagrin. They hurt coming out!) and I had lots of ear infections (my mom could actually smell my ears they would get infected so badly!). I didn't start losing my hearing until I was 15, however, and it's progressively dropped since though due to unknown causes.

At this point, I just take it for what it is and keep on trucking. :)
Progressive loss since teenager everyone shrugs and says its hereditary because i have older relatives with loss but none that are deaf. I guess I am the lucky one that got it young. I am 33 now and deaf in one ear and profoundly in the other. Every time I get a cold or infection a little more goes and the less I have the faster it is going! Sometimes I wish I was born deaf.
congenital progressive sensorineural hearing loss in conjunction with auditory nerve damage. basically I was born with it and I am going more and more deaf. I have no problems with either of these... I am happy living in my quiet world (though I am told over and over again by friends and family that while I am there their world is not quiet!)
my daughter was born hoh.. they say cause she was born a month early and then being put under bili lights didn't hep, but i think lights had nothing to do with it because her loss is do to her nerves...
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My hubby and I are going to look into adopting a deaf child within a year. We got an extra room now so the timing is right.

I would love to have a deaf child too... and be able to give my deaf child an environment with sign, with grandparents who sign (as my mom is learning to do)...
We are not sure where I got it, but have been told it is hereditary. I was born with SNHL and calcium deposits in both ears. Over the years, I slowly lost my hearing and at the same time, the calcium spread. Eventually, I lost it all and the calcium squeezed off the ear drums, cochlea and I am still losing bones in the ear.
I lost my hearing due to several reasons...menieres, an abusive boyfriend some years back, ear infections as a child, and an abusive step-father. It was a gradual thing at first...but then BAM! This last year the hearing went the way of the Dodo. Eh, I miss a few things...but being Deaf is ok with me. :)
A genetic gift from my family. Also the reason my husband is HOH. We have been fortunate to pass it on and are founding our own dynasty. Soon we will secede.

That is what AGB was really afraid of - a Deaf race!
My mom had rubella (German Measles) when she was pregnant with me. To those who don't know about rubella, there was one or two rubella bubble(s) in early '60s. They figured out how to wipe it out with a rubella vaccine. You won't find anyone born deaf after '60s unless they were born outside the countries that required every baby to have the rubella vaccine.
Why am I deaf

I had measles when I was very young and have been profoundly deaf ever since. Have just got some compression aids and they make a tremendous difference, although I still do not hear as well as a hearing person.
My mom had rubella (German Measles) when she was pregnant with me. To those who don't know about rubella, there was one or two rubella bubble(s) in early '60s. They figured out how to wipe it out with a rubella vaccine. You won't find anyone born deaf after '60s unless they were born outside the countries that required every baby to have the rubella vaccine.

Well, I'm born in the 80's, and the cause of my deafness was from Rubella, believe it or not.

Mum had the vaccination. However, it turns out the vaccination to prevent rubella from occuring has wore off.
What happened to Jillio and Deafcaroline?

I lost my hearing while defending the country I love.
My hearing loss/deafness was a combination of migraines and a slight malformation in the tubes that carry spinal fluid to the cochlea.

My migraines were so bad (and constant) that I thought I was having a good day when my headache was just bad. I am sure that put pressure on the spinal fluid and put my hearing out of balance. The doctors don't say this, this is just me guessing based on past history.
I had glue ear, and still do to some extent. I have a gene that made my Eustachian tube and Typanic cavity become deformed, narrowed, and that caused my glue ear. The glue ear also caused pressure build up in my ear which destroyed my tympanic membrane. That same gene also caused nerve damage latter in life. So the combination of those two things caused my hearing loss.

Okay, time for a stupid hearing person question:

What exactly is glue ear? do you mind explaining?
Okay, time for a stupid hearing person question:

What exactly is glue ear? do you mind explaining?

•Chronic otitis media with effusion (OME)
•Secretory otitis media
•Middle-ear effusion

The thick fluid prevents normal movement of the small bones in the middle ear that are necessary for hearing. Glue ear is common in children because of the nature of their eustachian tubes, the tubes that connect the ears with the back of the throat.

Different kinds of fluid may be present behind the eardrum, ranging from a yellow liquid to a thick, white material that resembles glue (hence the name, glue ear).

Left untreated, glue ear can:
•Cause temporary hearing loss
•Contribute to delayed speech development in young children
•Affect a child's behavior and educational progress
•In rare cases, cause permanent damage to hearing

About half of all cases of glue ear will resolve on their own within three months. About 90% of cases resolve within six months, and about 90% of cases resolve within three months. It is important to have the condition evaluated by a physician, because in the time it may take to resolve on its own, glue ear may affect a child's speech development or behavior

What Is Glue Ear? | ehealthMD

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