Why are you deaf if you know?

The cause of my severe-profound hearing loss links to premature birth, when I was supposed to have been born almost four months later. Although the cause is not really very clear, it's been ruled that the auditory nerve had become underdeveloped.

So that explains why I keep assuming wrong words that sound similar - to my ears, at least. Like "soup" when one actually says "scoop".
I was born deaf and my mother got sick with a high fever, not know what kind of fever, when she was four months pregnant with me inside and kept getting sicker with high fever every day until I was born. My mother almost died from the fever and delivered me and the doctors tried to save my mother's life. That was in 1945. :cool:
My mom got no room oxygen in her pregnant, that i become deaf in birth. But, i am proud of deaf ;)
Was born deaf - due to illness from my mother, Rubella (known as german measles)

Same here mother had german measles when she was carry me six months pregnant at the time and doctor gave her measle shot argh , I was born partial deaf all my life . Thanks to my brother coming home with it from school geesh!
For 26 years, My deafness was a unknown cause. Several doctors speculate it was chicken pox when I was 6 month old infant. Another say jaundice at birth.

2 months ago, my daughter was born, she had jaundice and she failed her hearing test. We went to several appointment with Audiologist and ENT. Finalized that my daughter is deaf. My wife and I come from complete hearing family and that confused us. We were expecting a hearing child like other deaf couples are.

I was working with Gallaudet Genetic Research Department and they requested me to do blood drawn to determine if its Connexin 26 (CX-26) or Connexin 30 (CX-30). Amazing stuff to learn about CX-26. I met with Ginger at Gallaudet last week and she explained me a lot about how CX-26 and that 1 out of 30 hearing people do carry that gene. I couldnt believe it.

They believe I am a product of CX-26. It will take them about 6-9 months to complete the research. But they emphasized jaundice is not the source of the deafness of my daughter. So many hearing people do have jaundice at birth.

Thats my 2 cent. May my mystery story to be continue...
i do not have connexion 26, i did have jaundice for a while after my birth which i was treated for. I was born premature so jaundice was one of the complications.

I do not think jaundice can cause deafness
i do not have connexion 26, i did have jaundice for a while after my birth which i was treated for. I was born premature so jaundice was one of the complications.

I do not think jaundice can cause deafness

actually, severe jaundice and oxygen deprivation can cause deafness and sensorineural hearing loss. i was born prematurely (i weighed 2 pounds at birth) and had severe jaundice as well as oxygen deprivation. my progressive hearing loss was caused by both of these things as well as a variety of other factors.
I was born weighing just 2lb 1oz and had jaundice and breathing problems but they think my deafness was caused by drugs which destroyed my hearing. my hearing loss is sensorineural, unfortunately there is no way of definite finding out for sure what caused it.