Why are you deaf if you know?


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Dec 29, 2007
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Are you deaf cos of connexion 26, genetics etc..
i borned that way, nothing that cause me become deaf and no genetics in my family that cause me become deaf, i just born that way
Was born deaf - due to illness from my mother, Rubella (known as german measles)
Any of you born early?
Doctors think me being born early caused my deafness cos of medication that destroyed it.
Any of you born early?
Doctors think me being born early caused my deafness cos of medication that destroyed it.

I was born six weeks premature, emergency Cesarean Section, and the placenta came before me (forgot what the term is).
For me, it's hereditary. I've been deaf since birth.
I was born six weeks premature, emergency Cesarean Section, and the placenta came before me (forgot what the term is).

Placenta previa?

I'm deaf from medications, we think. It may also just be "sudden sensorineural hearing loss". Happened very fast.
I was born six weeks premature...

I was also born prematurely and weighed 2 pounds at birth.

My progressive hearing loss was caused by several factors including premarity, secondary side effects of retinopathy of premarity/ROP, ototoxic drugs given to me while in the neonatal ICU, several months spent in the incubator, infant and childhood ear infections, antibiotics given to me for ear infections and years of untreated allergies.

My CI audi suspected I might have Ushers, but since I don't have RP (retinitis pigmentosa), that diagnosis was immediately ruled out.
Placenta previa?

I'm deaf from medications, we think. It may also just be "sudden sensorineural hearing loss". Happened very fast.

Yes, that's it, thank you!

The meds you were on that made you deaf must have been ototoxic.
I was also born prematurely and weighed 2 pounds at birth.

My progressive hearing loss was caused by several factors including premarity, secondary side effects of retinopathy of premarity/ROP, ototoxic drugs given to me while in the neonatal ICU, several months spent in the incubator, infant and childhood ear infections, antibiotics given to me for ear infections and years of untreated allergies.

My CI audi suspected I might have Ushers, but since I don't have RP (retinitis pigmentosa), that diagnosis was immediately ruled out.

Wow. :shock: How many weeks or months early were you born?

I was born six weeks premature, but I weighed 6 pounds 7 oz. But my medical records said that I was cyanotic at birth. :shock:

I think all this was because my mother was only 16 when she had me.

I think that if I made it to full term (40 weeks) I would have been a somewhat big baby since my birth weight wasn't low.
My mother had Rubella before I was born and I was born deaf as a result.