I believe this is common.
I hate it when hearing co worker have an issue with me, and won't directly confront/talk to me about it, and will often email me and cc my boss. I hate that. There is no need to get boss involved unless you continually talk to this co worker without any resolution.
Maybe they don't know how to confront or tell you how they feel, etc. But come on, I'm human just like everyone else just can't hear is all. When this happens, I feel incompetent, ya know? Maybe it's not the right wording, but I feel angry, hurt, etc., why involve my supervisor especially when he never had to tell me how he felt about something before, and this was the first time telling me, (which is great, but please do not involve my boss at firsT). Also there was a miscommunication because he thought I was calling him selfish and mean, which I NEVER DID, I never said he was selfish and mean, I also never used the word YOU, ever. I was saying in general, the dept., because of stupid coffee machine was for a certain dept (ours) only and it was in common area (kitchen) shared by several depts. I just didn't think it was fair to have a fancy coffee maker in common area. He emailed me saying he didnt appreciate me calling him names, and I did not notice that he cc'ed my boss until my boss emailed me asking what was that about? GRRRRRRR!!!!! I told him that I never called him names, and sorry that he felt that way.
But I really wish they could approach us without involving our supervisor at first. This can also harm workplace morale as well.
I am deaf, but I can understand things, I have good grasp of english, and all sorts.
Why are they like this??????? I am fortunate that most co workers here at work are pretty cool and if they have some sort of issues with me, they can just tell me with no hard feelings. I like it that way, and I would prefer they be upfront with me. I can handle that better. If they handle it wrong way, such as going to boss, it will leave a bad taste for me.
As a result, I have kind of lost respect for him.
What are your experiences with hearies in a work place?
I hate it when hearing co worker have an issue with me, and won't directly confront/talk to me about it, and will often email me and cc my boss. I hate that. There is no need to get boss involved unless you continually talk to this co worker without any resolution.
Maybe they don't know how to confront or tell you how they feel, etc. But come on, I'm human just like everyone else just can't hear is all. When this happens, I feel incompetent, ya know? Maybe it's not the right wording, but I feel angry, hurt, etc., why involve my supervisor especially when he never had to tell me how he felt about something before, and this was the first time telling me, (which is great, but please do not involve my boss at firsT). Also there was a miscommunication because he thought I was calling him selfish and mean, which I NEVER DID, I never said he was selfish and mean, I also never used the word YOU, ever. I was saying in general, the dept., because of stupid coffee machine was for a certain dept (ours) only and it was in common area (kitchen) shared by several depts. I just didn't think it was fair to have a fancy coffee maker in common area. He emailed me saying he didnt appreciate me calling him names, and I did not notice that he cc'ed my boss until my boss emailed me asking what was that about? GRRRRRRR!!!!! I told him that I never called him names, and sorry that he felt that way.
But I really wish they could approach us without involving our supervisor at first. This can also harm workplace morale as well.
I am deaf, but I can understand things, I have good grasp of english, and all sorts.
Why are they like this??????? I am fortunate that most co workers here at work are pretty cool and if they have some sort of issues with me, they can just tell me with no hard feelings. I like it that way, and I would prefer they be upfront with me. I can handle that better. If they handle it wrong way, such as going to boss, it will leave a bad taste for me.
As a result, I have kind of lost respect for him.
What are your experiences with hearies in a work place?