why are American health care so expensive...

Yo no one mentioned about malpractice lawsuits happening all of the time, its trickled down to the cost of healthcare too. Americans are always suing for wrongful something! There are lawyers everywhere like sharks waiting for someone to cry foul and have the piece of pie. Frauds happening all of the time, medicare fraud is so bad right now.

Medicare fraud amounts to $80 billion a year. ACA is ripe for fraud.
Hospital- for profit -the nonprofits changed over to a profit model
Insurance company- for profit
Workers including, doctors- for profit
Medical suppliers - for profit
Overhead of daily operations- whoa nelly
Lawyers- for profit
Thieves and fraudulent scum - for profit

We have a financial way of doing things here in the US. It is whatever the market will bear always.
Generally you get what you pay for.