Who's the Biggest A@@hole in AD?

Levonian said:
Yes, but who is the BIGGEST asshole in AD? I have a tape measure—all of you bend over and we'll see who's biggest. :mrgreen:

:lol: Mr Chimp. I'd like to see you try. I sit in a wheelchair, and I weigh...Well, never mind what I weigh... :giggle:

I'm sure Mayflower might put a kink in this plan of yours, though....

Oh, Mayflower...You might want to have a talk with your husband. He's trying to get fresh with the ladies. Want to see how big an asshole I can be? I'll scream sex harrassment! :eek:


(psst, not really...You're a great guy, Lev, and I know that.)
Ocean, you have my respect and love and have for a long time now.
When we get to the AD caucus, I will personally carry you.
How is that?
And yup, I can do it.
Banjo said:
Me! Me! Me!

All after, I've received several hate mails here at AD. So I believe that some people feel that I'm such a big asshole.
You are not only one in that case, I recieved several 'hate' PMs from them as well plus the emails too. I am the biggest asshole in AD. Fuck you, the champ belt belongs to me! ;) Several deafies shared the opinion with me about Californians and their 'asshole' attitude. I guess I am double-asshole in that case!

Katzie said:
I'm not an asshole, but I'm a Masshole. :D
I'm a Calihole :twisted:
got to love levonian's comment just dont forget the gloves! lol in case they may shit on you while try measure the asshole...

As you wish, Miss. Moderators, close this one.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
hi asshole. :wiggle:

:rofl: :rofl: my goodness Miss P, you made me choke on my icetea here, now I have to go clean my keyboard now what a mess!.... :o
^Angel^ said:
:rofl: :rofl: my goodness Miss P, you made me choke on my icetea here, now I have to go clean my keyboard now what a mess!.... :o

Awww... poor thing... lol
Beowulf said:
Ocean, you have my respect and love and have for a long time now.
When we get to the AD caucus, I will personally carry you.
How is that?
And yup, I can do it.

You have mine as well. Unfortunately, I won't be going to the caucus, but I thank you. :)

The bottom line to this is... I know who I am, and I know what I am, so others opinions really don't bother me. My friends seperate the person they see here from the person that I really am. And, really. Most know that I'm not the hard-ass that I portray myself to be.

Right, guys? :lol:
Oceanbreeze said:
The bottom line to this is... I know who I am, and I know what I am, so others opinions really don't bother me. My friends seperate the person they see here from the person that I really am. And, really. Most know that I'm not the hard-ass that I portray myself to be.

Right, guys? :lol:
I hate to love you as much as you hate to love me. Does that answer your question? :lol:

Just kidding ;)
uh oh , ooo *bend over, finger pointing to my a**hole.. yeah i got an huge a**hole.. wanna see it? so what, i am proud being an A**hole! haha :rofl:

me bad girl

:rme TOF
I'm probably the biggest a-hole with a banstick around here. :aw:
And the biggest asshole is one who never heard of Johnnie Ray.
The hearing impaired legendary singer.
Oh yeah righhhtttt.
This guy was arguably the first singer/composer but we do not hear much about him.
Pretty sad.
Beowulf said:
And the biggest asshole is one who never heard of Johnnie Ray.
The hearing impaired legendary singer.
Oh yeah righhhtttt.
This guy was arguably the first singer/composer but we do not hear much about him.
Pretty sad.

Bewolf, I heard of Johnnie Ray....he was a 1950s singer that wore a body worn aid. :) I think he sang the song "Cry". :)

Anyway, abut the word "asshole", when I was a teenager in the 1980s, my older brother taped this song off the radio and played it for us. Here it is with the lyrics to that song. :)

(Fred Campbell)

August & The Spur Of The Moment Band - 1983
Also recorded by Jimmy Buffet; Kip Attaway.

Well I was drivin' down I-95 the other night
Somebody nearly cut me right off the road
I decided it wasn't gonna do any good to get mad
So I wrote a song about him instead
It goes like this...

Were you born an asshole?
Or did you work at it your whole life?
Either way it worked out fine
'Cause you're an asshole tonight

Yes you're an A-S-S-H-O-L-E
And don't you try to blame it on me
You deserve all the credit
You're an asshole tonight

You were an asshole yesterday
You're an asshole tonight
And I've got a feelin'
You'll be an asshole the rest of your life

(Instrumental Break)

And I was talkin' to your mother
Just the other night
I told her I thought you were an asshole
She said, "Yes, I think you're right"

And all your friends are assholes
'Cause you've known them your whole life
And somebody told me
You've got an asshole for a wife

Were you born an asshole?
Or did you work at it your whole life?
Either way it worked out fine
'Cause you're an aaaass...hole tonight
Oceanbreeze said:
You have mine as well. Unfortunately, I won't be going to the caucus, but I thank you. :)

The bottom line to this is... I know who I am, and I know what I am, so others opinions really don't bother me. My friends seperate the person they see here from the person that I really am. And, really. Most know that I'm not the hard-ass that I portray myself to be.

Right, guys? :lol:
Dang, we will miss not seeing the biggest a@@hole on the wheel at caucus oh well dang!