Who's going to CSUN?

I went

to CSUN from Fall 2001 to Fall 2002. A year and a half.

I always do that... I went to all Black college here in Memphis...
for a year and a half and leave... then I came back.
Just like I did at Gallaudet, I stay there for a year and a half, then
leave... I came back.

I am a college hopper... I wanted to check out the college
to see that I like this college better or not.

I went to FSU,, stayed there for a year... I hated it, never
went back. I don't like CSUN, so I am not going back there.

Yes I know you, Are you the tall, skinny guy, with glasses, you are white,
and you were a member of Lambda fraternity, Your last name start with an S.
Aren't you married to that short woman? I saw her with you at the Boardwalk... was it the Boardwalk something... it was one of the deaf
Orientation week event... but I didn't go camping. But I went to the Boardwalk... I forgot the rest of the name, where they have music, singers, shops, Hard Rock Cafe... and stuff like that. It was fun. Am I right?

Nobody asked me to pledge for AST. I did know a few... maybe 2.

Rush? Is it the one that you in the Sorority house and them doing
silly things and play games. And I remember playing football with the fratnerity and Sorority... an asian girl knocked me down, and I fell backward on my butt and my head bumped the ground, but I was okay afterward, just a little hurt. No you don't have to find out for me why I wasn't accepted.

Yeah I gave up the first sign of resistance, what is that mean?
TTT said:
to CSUN from Fall 2001 to Fall 2002. A year and a half.

I always do that... I went to all Black college here in Memphis...
for a year and a half and leave... then I came back.
Just like I did at Gallaudet, I stay there for a year and a half, then
leave... I came back.

I am a college hopper... I wanted to check out the college
to see that I like this college better or not.

I went to FSU,, stayed there for a year... I hated it, never
went back. I don't like CSUN, so I am not going back there.

Yes I know you, Are you the tall, skinny guy, with glasses, you are white,
and you were a member of Lambda fraternity, Your last name start with an S.
Aren't you married to that short woman? I saw her with you at the Boardwalk... was it the Boardwalk something... it was one of the deaf
Orientation week event... but I didn't go camping. But I went to the Boardwalk... I forgot the rest of the name, where they have music, singers, shops, Hard Rock Cafe... and stuff like that. It was fun. Am I right?

Nobody asked me to pledge for AST. I did know a few... maybe 2.

Rush? Is it the one that you in the Sorority house and them doing
silly things and play games. And I remember playing football with the fratnerity and Sorority... an asian girl knocked me down, and I fell backward on my butt and my head bumped the ground, but I was okay afterward, just a little hurt. No you don't have to find out for me why I wasn't accepted.

Yeah I gave up the first sign of resistance, what is that mean?
The more you jump from college to college, the harder it will become for you. When colleges look at your application, they will find out that you jumped from college to college too much. It makes them think that you won't stay at their college, so they will get picky and give you a hard time.
mmm, i dont know if i know you. i attended CSUN in fall 2001-spring 2002 but i left california in august 2002. i joined AST then i withdrew in early spring.

CSUN is not that bad, it has gorgeous campus, perfect weather (compared to NY), and most of all it was a pretty good school. only thing is i wish i didnt live "in" deaf community, things would have been better if i didnt but of course i still love to socialize with deafies. the main reason i left was the major, it didnt have what i wanted & what i like so i had to leave to avoid wasting $. instead, im attending community college to save $.
i think CSUN has good deaf community, it can be a little too much when living with them other than that its just like a mainstreamed school with lots of deafies.

VamPyroX said:
The more you jump from college to college, the harder it will become for you. When colleges look at your application, they will find out that you jumped from college to college too much. It makes them think that you won't stay at their college, so they will get picky and give you a hard time.

No I don't put all of the colleges on my application...
Because I don't feel like asking colleges to send
them transcripts... and
it would be too expensive to pay $5 or $10 transcript fee.

So I just put down Gallaudet or my favorite college I like to attend.
e said:
only thing is i wish i didnt live "in" deaf community, things would have been better if i didnt but of course i still love to socialize with deafies.
i think CSUN has good deaf community, it can be a little too much when living with them other than that its just like a mainstreamed school with lots of deafies.

I am used to socialize with deafies....
I just don't like the hearing people...

Things would be fine if hearing people go away.
TTT said:

Patrice, I wasn't going to respond, because I was going to send you an PM as I remembered who you were and wanted to respect your privacy.

Yup, you're spot on about me. That "Lambda fraternity" is Lambda Sigma Pi. I don't remember bringing my now-wife to the Universal Studios Citywalk (we weren't married at the time of that orientation trip), but what you describe about the the Citywalk is correct. There were some other girls there hitting on me the whole week, perhaps you are thinking about one of them? Elyse, do you remember who that was? The blonde who dated Zane?

I don't remember you having this kind of an attitude when I met you at CSUN. I actually thought you were very nice, very cool person. And I don't remember you living in the deaf dorms -- I recall you living in one of the other dorms a bit further away from the deaf dorms, because I can't remember if I or someone else picked you up for a trip to orientation or to the sorority rush.

And, yes, I remember the football incident, which made me very sad that someone got hurt during rush. If no one has done so to you yet, I do want to apologize that it happened to you and I hope that you don't have bad feelings about it anymore.

But I definitely remember you. And who I remember doesn't jive with the TTT personality I see here on this forum. I read TTT being an angry, bitter, and spoiled woman. I don't recall you using your Treacher Collins Syndrome as a crutch. I had zero problems with you. What gives?
Hey Dennis,

I don't know Elyse. But I know Zane. No you didn't pick me up, somebody
else did. You are a nice person, of course, we get along just fine.

I am just bored, that is why I stirred up trouble in here and other place.

I don't mean to be bored on purpose... I just bored. I gotta go.

You got married and didn't invite me to your wedding??? :pissed:

Why you typed that in BOLD, "I thought you were nice, cool person"?

Are you trying to make me feel bad???

I had only been at CSUN for a year and a half, most of the time
I stayed in the dorm room studying. I don't socialize much.
My mom emailed me to go out and make some friends and join clubs and stay away from boysssssss.
So that what I did... and it was hard to make friends and join clubs....
and I thought I would have no problem staying away from boys there...
because I am ugly and no boys want me....
And also there are many pretty girls at CSUN... so no boys would want me.

I did stay at deaf dorm for half of fall and all spring of 2002...
Seem like the hearing people there at the deaf dorm scared all the deaf
people away.

I was angry, bitter, and spoiled? I just wanted everybody to know me....
I wanna be famous.... you didn't forget my name.... HAHAHA. :lol:
Just kidding

I do have a problem.

I just feel that nobody want me to succeed in life.

All I wanted was a college degree.... and I had
to fight to get it,, put up with roommates and stuff.

And now that I got my tv degree, I don't feel like
going out there and look for jobs...
because I have to fight the world again or
to prove everyone that I am right for that job.

Right now I just want to enjoy life and go on vacation...
Think about jobs LATER. And be on the internet post on the message board and forum about how mean and cruel the world is. I want to scorn everybody.
And I want to post my sob stories so that everybody have compassion.

And I think that if everybody have compassion and be nice to everyone
and all.... then this world will be a better place for everyone.

That is all, :ty:
TTT said:
No I don't put all of the colleges on my application...
Because I don't feel like asking colleges to send
them transcripts... and
it would be too expensive to pay $5 or $10 transcript fee.

So I just put down Gallaudet or my favorite college I like to attend.
$5 to $10 transcript fee? Oh puh-leeze! That's nothing! Wanna hear something worse? Try $25. That's the fee I gotta pay for applying at RIT. To apply for RIT's graduate school program... it's $50! Now, tell me... is $5 really that "expensive"? It's worse just to put gas in the car!
Dennis- yes, i remember who you were talking about. i dont remember the orienation trip to universial studio, i thought it was at venice beach? anyway i missed a lot of fun there, had to do last minute shopping stuff for the apartment. :-/

TTT- this is elyse, it seems that we've never crossed path to meet. i missed the orientation trip and left the sorority probably before that football incident.

to be honest, i think you dont want to be strong person as you can be because you seemed to be smart but rather acted like dumb. i dont mean to be offensive, i dont know you personally. you have no idea how hard times i had to go through at my job, i have no degree (not yet) and ive been struggling to get one of my bosses to "SEE" in me that im not just different person.
the TCS woman who owns/ran a site about TCS, she became a doctor. this means you CAN DO IT TOO. im not giving it up, im going to have like god-knows-how-many 10th meetings about issues next friday with my boss. so im not giving it up, he finally gave better review on me and said something about me being in a higher position like being a senior in the department. im going to try to convince him to create some ideas with me to find a way how to work with me in a better way. hopefully this can help to let me to take an opportunity for promotional.
you cant just sit back and wait too long, you have to move on forward and fight for yourself! we're in 20th century, we have better opportunities and more options so not a lot of hearings have learned of that yet. we have to convince them that we're just deaf but not nothing nor dumb.
oh other hand, i was on SSI when i was in college until i dropped out and found a job several months later. to tell you truth, i feel SOOOOO much better being off SSI. i was able to buy my own car, tuition, all bills and insurance WITHOUT parents' support. i honestly do feel proud of myself and be able to take care of money of my own. i dont mean to be egoiscal but you have no idea what kind of feeling is this when you had all of your own responsibility without anyone supporting you. its like youre actually grown up.

about the transcript, i remember i requested transcript from CSUN for like $2 dollars but that was almost 2 years ago, i think.
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I graduated from CSUN in, oh boy do I have to confess?, 1999. I majored in English/Credential (which means you can get your teaching credential if you take the exam and certain classes). CSUN's a good school. Nice area - LA rocks! Good people. NCOD (National Center on Deafness where they provide services for d/hh students) gave me quite a lot of opportunties - activities, part-time jobs, career library, deaf library, etc. The Deaf population isn't as big as RIT or Gallaudet but I made great friends during my years there.

Dennis, is that you??? You're married? This is Julie.
e said:
about the transcript, i remember i requested transcript from CSUN for like $2 dollars but that was almost 2 years ago, i think.
Hmm... in that case, it's probably $2.50 right now. ;)

e??? you were hitting on Dennis??? Shame on you. Just kidding. :lol:

Okay I will try hard to get a job. I just needed the degree to break
the curse on my dad's side. It seems like I am the only one in my dad's side of the family got a college degree. It was very important to me.
Whew I got my first college degree in 1999... before my dad died.
My dad died in year 2000, while I was in Paris. I missed his funeral. But
at least he knew that he can't blame the WHITE people for holding
him back... I told my dad that his alcoholism is the one that holding
him back... and stop blaming the White men.

Now I am becoming more like my dad,, giving up hope and being hopeless.
I am sad that he is gone.

OKAY ENOUGH SOB STORY. I will go look for a job, e.

Well my point is... I don't think I should put down all the colleges I went
to... and I don't want to ask for transcripts. Yes I am cheap.
And also... too lazy.

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