Who's CODA here?

haha eternity yea but hopefully not under age of at least 16 yrs old 16-18 are ok but still are big time JAIL BAITS and not worth it ending up in jail and bein raped by a horny guy !!!! so better stick with 18 yrs or older girls ! the older more experienced for him ha lol
Originally posted by eternity
Dojosky, the truth is that he likes the young girls.

Well my daughter is CODA.
nice putting words in my mouth.
KODA? Define what those mean... anyhoo... I like CODA better than professional cuz.. they understand deaf people better, professional have ego problem & they think they better... Ha all people are created equal! So it varies, it doesn't mean professional or CODA is better, it varies on individuals...
I'm here and my three boys are CODA! Hehe... anyone else? :)

By the way CODA= Children of Deaf Adults
KODA = Kids of Deaf Adults <<< does that mean that the deaf adults are goats?? Hehe
Of course my daughters are. But they are not here at AD.
i know a lot of CODAs because it is surrounds around in my local as strong deaf community. They're cool and some of them is just bleh because of lazy or not want to communicate. Its depend on them.
I'm a CODA and very proud! Absolutely love deaf culture, can't live without it. I am also currently working on becoming an interpreter.
I have a hearing son who I taught him to sign Baby sign language and later ASL. My sister tried to have him go to college for Interpreting. He does not want to go into that. I guess he was and still ashamed in front of people in public. He had experience back when he was little boy. He does not like people staring at him when we signed. Just have to let it go at that and he will decide on his own. He is in late 30 years old now. The last time I communicated with him in ASL was in 2006 when I had to attend the funeral of his grandmother (my mother) in New Mexico from Canada. Glad I am back home here in New Mexico after a long absence. :)
I'm curious, who's CODA here on AD? CODA means "Children Of Deaf Adults." It could be deaf parents with only one hearing child, or a whole deaf family with one hearing child and few deaf siblings. I know one woman who's hearing herself, and her five siblings are all deaf, as well as her parents. That's freaking cool!

I know another one, but I don't know the details about his family though.

If you know anyone who's CODA, then post it here. (No name necessary, if you don't want to reveal their personal information) So who's CODA here? I'm curious.

about to be CODA, my mom can't hear any quiet/soft sounds like me (maybe it's due to the age or probably genetic since 2 grandmas both likely have the same type of hearing loss as I.
about to be CODA, my mom can't hear any quiet/soft sounds like me (maybe it's due to the age or probably genetic since 2 grandmas both likely have the same type of hearing loss as I.

No way. That does not make you almost about CODA. No, you are deaf just like your mom and your 2 grandmothers. You are all deaf. Beside, it is a hearing sibling(s) can sign and also have deaf or hard of hearing family members, mostly hearing children.
No way. That does not make you almost about CODA. No, you are deaf just like your mom and your 2 grandmothers. You are all deaf. Beside, it is a hearing sibling(s) can sign and also have deaf or hard of hearing family members, mostly hearing children.
