Alright, you guys want the whole story? I’ll give you the whole story, then I’ll respond to (some of) you.
First of all though, he is a minor. Or was, he turned 18 a few days ago. I myself am 18, I’m about 6 months give or take older than he is. It’s not like I’m 30 and kicking his ass.
One night, I was meeting a friend (J.D) at another friends house (Henry). The kid who fucked my car up (Brandon) was there. He wanted me to buy some marijuana off of him, and I refused. He got pissed off and started throwing shit at my car, rocks, scratching up the paint and stuff. So I get out of my car, and he jumps back behind his friends, like the pussy he is. I get back in my car, and when my friend gets there, he gets in and we start to leave, next thing I know, there’s a loud thump, and my back window is gone.
I throw out anything illegal in my car, and go straight to the sheriff’s office, file a report, and 3 days later, I get payment for the damages he made to my car. Still haven’t gotten around to getting it fixed yet. I hear from a good friend of mine, who’s also a friend of (well, was a friend of) Brandon’s that he’s been bragging about what he did. So I made up my mind, he’d fucked with my car for the third time now (slashed my tires and broke my headlights, both of which he had to pay for), and that was just one time too many. I had a bat in my car because I was playing a pick-up game of softball earlier, and I was fuming. I was driving around, and at like 11:00 at night, I saw him walking around, and I just snapped. I grabbed the bat, slammed on my brakes, and just jumped on top of him, swinging the thing the whole time. Did the damage, and left him there.
Story has it that his friend found him and took him to a hospital, both claiming it was a 4-wheeler accident. I never went to jail. He won’t be pressing charges. He’s got a streak of pride that won’t allow him to admit what happened, even his g/f thinks that it was a 4-wheeler accident. I was simply provoked, and acted on it days later. Sure, the bat may have been extreme, but we’ve always hated each other, and you know what that’s like I’m sure. Yeah, I know he’s going to be seeking revenge, but I guarantee you, he WILL NOT fuck with my car again. He’ll pull together 10 guys and beat me up. Fine. No problem. I’ll deal with that too. I did what I did because for him, paying for a window and a new paint job is nothing. His parents paid for it, he learned nothing. I taught him something. I taught him not to fuck with my car, and believe me, he learned. So don’t give me the violence is not the answer bullshit. It worked for the purpose that it was intended for.
Now, I’ll get back to (some of) you individually, explaining myself, or whatever.
Smartiesgeek – You know me, yet you don’t know me. I graduated class of 2002, however, I was kicked out of ISD in my Junior year (I believe you were a freshman). You should be able to figure it out.
Matt – My criminal record will be cleared as of August 9th. That was my deal with the judge anyway, as long as I stay out of trouble until then. And yes, I thought about that, I KNEW (don’t ask how) that he wasn’t going to go to the cops.
System_of_a_dwn – I did go to the cops, this story clarifies that. He did pay for it. But once again, fucking with my car. . . that’s my weak point. I can’t just take that sitting down. ‘Specially when its happened before.
Steel – I expect him to come after me. I want him to. I would much rather him and 10 of his friends kick my ass, than put a dent in my car. I’ll take that standing up, like a man. Once again, I say this – If you have a problem with someone, take it to THEM like a man, don’t be a pussy and take it out on their hard-earned property.
DirtyOldMan – I don’t normally use weapons. In fact, this is only the second time in my life that I have. . . and given the number of fights I’ve been into, that’s less than 1%. I don’t believe in using weapons, that is one thing I realize I shouldn’t have done. But its done and over with.
Banjo – Tell you what buddy, I’ll start pointing out every grammatical and spelling mistake you make, how’s that? I didn’t know this was English class.
Steel – You’re the definition of irony. “lol i guess some ppl who tries to kill other ppl aren't that smart eh?” Yeah. Nice grammar and spelling you got there, buddy.
Eternity – I understand what you’re saying completely. I do realize that maybe I crossed the line, but so did he. He’s not dead, and I’ve been in similar situations before. I know when to stop, and I can control myself enough for that. That was the least of my worries.
Ben – Haha, I TOLD you I could be a mean motherfucker sometimes.
TaZ – I don’t think you really know me enough to judge me the way you did. I have more morals that you think, this isn’t like something that happens on a daily basis, and no, I’m not doing it for attention. I’m doing to see how you all respond to it, and more or less, it’s how I expected. And think about what you said, honestly, I don’t know you, but I don’t think you’d have the balls to pull that trigger. There’s a difference between beating the shit out of someone and killing them. I could never kill a person, to take their life. . . that is no one, and I mean no one (not even the government) has the right to make that decision.
Pimpdaddy – Haha, you don’t even know me. Sure, I get into my share of fights, but this is honestly the worst (well second worst) fight I’ve ever been in. Haha, I’m not like the thread makes me sound, you just have to get to know me better to understand. Not like that’ll happen anyway.
Kuifje – No, it’s not attention I want, its these responses. I have a reason behind it, but this post is long enough as it is, and I don’t want to go into it. The story is true, I’m not bragging about what happened, but rather that I got off scot-free, but there is still a point behind it, If you want to know it. . . IM me on AIM @ SheWas18Officer if you happen to catch me on and want to know.
Matt – I haven’t said a word because I work a 12-hour shift job, making 13.75 an hour. So to the person who said I wouldn’t be able to find a job – I’m probably making more than you are. . . I think I got a decent job considering I’m only saving money to go back to college.
Heather – Being in the honors program at Gally (if you’re the same heather I’m thinking of) I would expect you to see that I’m not bragging. I was giving details. Once again, I have my reasoning behind this post. There’s more to it than just wanting to see how you all responded, but that could pretty much sum it up. Only bragging I’m doing is how I GOT AWAY with doing what I did. No, I don’t feel stupid, you don’t know the guy, and everyone here says he had it coming. Even his FRIENDS don’t really give a shit. Let me put it this way, he’s been arrested 11 times since he was 15, spent a year as a juvie, 4 months in PRISON, and god knows how much time in jail. He’s not a “nice” kid, and deserved what he got. He’s the kid that’ll shove a 6-year-old off the swing-set at the local park. You’d do the same.
Deafclimber -- Violence solved THIS problem. I guarantee you, he will NEVER touch my car again. And that was the intent of this violence, to keep him from doing what he’s done 3 times so far, ever again.
DBPowerWCRulez – I’m not quite sure what you’re saying exactly, but I’m more mature than you (I’ll use your post as my proof of this), I’m not a bully (where’d you get THAT from? He provoked me) and the Mod’s don’t have the power to ban. And I haven’t (really) broken any of the rules here. There’s nothing against posting about kicking someone’s ass, even if it was immoral. Fuck ‘ya too, buddy.
Banjo -- Financially painful? Ha, I know this kid well. He hasn’t, and won’t go to the police. He’s going to take it into his own hands, and this, I await, anxiously.
Eternity – She’s right again. Brandon (the guy) knew that consequences would come for throwing that rock. If he didn’t want to pay those consequences, he shouldn’t have done it in the first place. I realize that I may face consequences, but the satisfaction that I got for doing what I did is well worth it.
That’ll be all.