Who would you Like.....

Hook-up??? Gee...thought all along that these lovebirds (Cheri and Vampy) were swoonin' away in their own nest! Hmm...did I miss something? *ouchie!* Cheri! Ya don't have to punch my arm!! :laugh2: Now it's time for me to *duck* and hide from her!!
beadfairy said:
Hi everyone
Hey Vamp what do you look like? I like freaks!

Oh Dear, I am afraid that you may drool to dipping all over your key board when you will be seeing his cute cheek face !! ;) It is possible devastated your key board.

Do not charge to AllDeaf member for replacement your new keyboard. :eek:
I don't get the Icewoman crack...care to elaborate? Or is this an inside thing?
Tousi said:
I don't get the Icewoman crack...care to elaborate? Or is this an inside thing?
My ex-girlfriend is a member here. Her screen name looks like something you would expect from Icewoman. You'll have to see it to understand.

Check the link I recently posted above, see if you can figure it out. :thumb:
Cutie yes!

Hi Yes you are a cutie! I was confused at first to see a girl there but I guess I had to keep readin... YUMMY! hehehe ok I am getting silly here
Boycrazy aka Tara
Vampy, I don't hafta go look, cos I get it now from another frame of reference....something to do with the great city of Boston making this sumptuous clam chowder, right? LOL! If she's still a member, she's been scarce and that's too bad......
beadfairy said:
Hi Yes you are a cutie! I was confused at first to see a girl there but I guess I had to keep readin... YUMMY! hehehe ok I am getting silly here
Boycrazy aka Tara

That was his ex Girlfriend in the Picture with him... But, he is Currently Single You can have him.. He is all yours. :P
Cheri said:
That was his ex Girlfriend in the Picture with him... But, he is Currently Single You can have him.. He is all yours. :P

uh *faint* oook Cheri, come here.. let me give u my huge :grouphug: Ya can :cry: on my shoulder anytime you want.. ;)
Cheri said:
It is only a Game....You could say I'm Bored...My question is Who would u like to see VamPyroX hook up with? Could be anyone who is Single in this Forum. ;)

Bored? Wow... Well, I think Vampy can take care of that. *grins* :naughty:
VamPyroX said:
My ex-girlfriend is a member here. Her screen name looks like something you would expect from Icewoman. You'll have to see it to understand.

Check the link I recently posted above, see if you can figure it out. :thumb:

Oh my, I didn't mean to imply it that way. I was thinking "opposite attracts" and seeing that you like to play with fires (Pyro), the opposite was Ice, and I couldn't think of an opposite for a Vampire, so I said Icewoman. I didn't intend to imply anything about your ex. Sorry!

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