Who were you in a past life?

kuifje75 said:
There is a book out there which has photos of deaf people living in Nepal or Tibet, living very poor, but people help them out because they believe that the deaf people have a place on Earth to help them understand and develop empathy towards deaf people and their sufferings.

What's the name of the book?
Yeah, what is the name of that book? I have a friend who’s deaf and a strong believer in reincarnation—I think she would like to see that.
mm, this is an interesting thread. unfortunately, i havent sense anything that might be related to me from other life time. :( maybe i have, and didnt realize it? anyway, i went to someone's funeral (not my relative's) and there was an old lady came up to me and said i looked like sarah miles. i never heard of that person, i googled up and found out she was an actress.

i was in a summer theatre camp with this hearing girl long time ago. well, there was no campsite or i can just say we stayed at an apartment across from commedia school for first two weeks. we both travelled around in california with other actors to perform at camps for the children. so, one night the girls were having chitchat before bed, she was telling us her experience in dreams and life. she had a lot of strange dreams since she was little, it was about a native american boy. she sensed she was him before her lifetime. she tried to find out if one of her relative was native american, she couldnt. sometimes she had a nightmare that he was in a war or got hurt badly. besides that, she was a physic, she said she could see something in person's life through their feelings. another girl, who i hung out with the most of time, was willing to do one on one with her in front of us. this girl was seeing some colors, mixture of anger/sadness feelings, then assumed it was one of closest relatives she was mad at. then she said either your father/uncle/aunt, the girl shocked and looked so upset. she admitted that she was right about that. then, she became someone i dont know who and been like that until almost end of our session. i was scared seeing that, we had so much fun together in the beginning until that night she changed. i believe in what i saw. i did tried out with her sensing my feelings but she said i had too much sheilds on my feelings and required more time/privacy/and special equipment such as stones and waters that help her to get through me. but we never got time to do that.
I do not have a past life. :dunno: I feel that this life is my first life. :lol: I believe that God only gave everyone one life to live (with many chances to live).
Malfoyish said:
While we're on the topic of theories - here's mine!

I have wondered what is done with all the souls that have been lost - and what becomes of a person's "being" once the person has passed away? Are these souls recycled somehow, or are they completely "dead" as well? I find this to be an interesting topic because, well...we have all seen and heard the little references. For example - a man who drinks directly out of a milk carton and then wipes his face with the back of his hand might have been a caveman in his past life - LOL. (There were a LOT of cavemen!) A woman who knows nothing other than how to be submissive might have been a negro slave in the South in the much earlier days. A diver who spends more time underwater than he does on dry land might have been a shark, or a lovely angelfish. :)

My point is - how do we act the way we do? Especially when behavior that we exhibit is not necessarily learned? What makes us different? Were we, in fact, different people? I'm sure we were - or if we're "new," perhaps we will be setting a mold for others who will live on with our souls in a future life/installment. :)

Interesting, Malfy. I don't know if this is gonna add another demension to this conversation or not, but I've heard of something similiar happening to transplant recipients. That they take on characteristics of their donors. For instance, a recipient may start taking on the likes and dislikes of his or her donor. Say, a donor likes liver...It's said that the recipient of that person's organs may begin liking liver after going yrs of hating the stuff! It's pretty interesting how this happens, I think. :)
I memorized few of my past lives. one for knight, one for English guy, one for buddha monk, and one for being a slave during build the pyramid. Myself, I do believe there are more than that. Notice myself, i dont like dress up as femme and not desire to act strongly femme. because my recent past life was a male. Now, my life's being a female. *yuck*

My memories about past lives were more smaller than my current life. Met several friends during my current life. How I do know? Just feel familiar that person even met first time, and feel kind of connection.

Racheleggert, u can analzye ur past lives, all u need is mediation and asking for ur spirit guide. Probably, u can find ur friend who is involve in Spiritually in real life.
When I was study with Anne Boleyn, mother of Elizabeth I, I feel I know her before? Something is missing, I cannot explain?? Its like jisgaw is not complete huh?

And I feel connection to Hever Castle, Anne Boleyn's childhood home in Kent, England, and I feel I know the place.
Levonian said:
No harm, I was just totally stymied by your analysis. Especially since I just saw Troy last week and I see absolutely no resemblance between bbnt and Diane Kruger.

I’m totally convinced that bbnt was Beethoven in a past incarnation. Think about it—bbnt is a man with a vision that only he can see—a socially isolated man who spends hours at a time crouched in the dark, consumed with a passionate frenzy to communicate his genius to the world in the only way that he knows how. Alldeaf is the canvas upon which he paints his opus—his loving gift to a world that can never understand. And it’s not just a coincidence that this is a Deaf message board, either. ;)

Quite the poetic and impassionated... post you have made, and therein I daresay your eloquence has hit its mark deep in the wells of my undying heart. I am in accordance with your dictum about bbnt having been the great and illustrious Beethoven of yesteryear.

Pssst, Diane Krueger is gorgeous. But I'll have to go out on a limb here and say that bbnt isn't a bad looking guy either. You tell him that, I'll have your adorably furry butt on my dish :squint:
bbnt said:
I told my oldest daughter I was Gandhi in my past life

:rofl: I remember you telling me that. Come think of it, anything is possible. I think we all "choose" who we are in past lives and present life and upcoming lives - for the sake of experience and soul growth. We're the builders of our own life blueprint in theory. I guess some souls would choose to experience lives, and some will not. The latter can be our spirit guides or even angel guardians.

I would share a few of my past lives since some of you were serious, but I am doing a webcomic which comes from one of these lives. I also posted some in my website. PM me if you're interested in reading about them. :)

So, if the population on this earth is very high right now in the terms of a billion or two .. where did the rest of souls come from, if there was a few people in the beginning?
I felt like I'm a mod chick in past life. that wanted to experience late 1960's and 1970's even tho I was born in late 1970's but I heard old times was fun comparin to now :squint:
I wonder if past lives and de.ja vu are connected? de.ja vu means an illusion
of having already experienced something that you are experiencing for the first time. I think its the same thing.
When i was 10 years old, my family and i went to Salt Lake City, Utah for the first time to visit my mormon relatives there. When my relatives were taking us on a tour and we went to this big mormon church and i blurted out that i have seen it before and went on to describe the inside of it that has several huge organ pipes on the wall..my parents and relatives was just so stunned that they stared at me and said you could not have cuz you were never here before! i was like "huh?"..i was perplexed and confused. Then we went to the park and i said i know where the zoo is and described it to a "T"! My mother said i must had a past life!...really freaked out my family and to this day, im still awed and perplexed! How is that possible if i have never been there before but yet i know places there!
If we had past lives, why are we here now? heh!
Is God recycling souls? LOL!...........
Well, I was told that I was gypsy, white witch, a fancy belle, a twin (from 1950s), and seven years old gal from HI in my past lives.

No wonder I might have a connection with witches at some point.