who wants some blood ?

I will pass no blood for me :eek:
:lol: It is supposed to be for HALLOWEEEEEN ! And, it is perfect for Vampy, too ! :rofl:
Oh! I was waiting for something video to turn on in the board ummmm :hmm: then click the board and Oh There ! :squint:
Heh, eeeek...is that a contract? :giggle: I'm nooooot gggoooonnnaaa siiiiignnn a cooontract...*gulp* :eek3: *taking off to the forests and stay there..shrivering...peeking out* *gulp*

haha i like it. i agreed with others, its just prefect for halloween. :D
o.0 it looks like what Henry Kissinger uses to sign his checkque book with, only his is an actual severed finger of a child.