Who Loves Huskies????


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Jun 2, 2003
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I do! And this is my dream dog and this color kind.. my bro in law has that dog named diego!!! :mrgreen:

:jaw: Yes I am. I always want one so bad... I love husky... Are you have it?
I dont have it :( I living APT :pissed:
I like that kind of dog. But I heard one negative about that dog breed is ' housebroken '. That mean I need research more about dog characteric
Yes i like Siberian Huskies..i used to have one a long time ago..it breaks my heart to think about him,....he was kind of messed up in the head..hard to control, was terrified of me and my son but liked my ex husband..then i found out that the lady who breeds and sells these dogs was abusing the dogs!! so i think she ruined him psychologically..i think they are very sensitive dogs so be careful on how you raise them. He was a beautiful dog really... :(
I alway want to have Husky as my own pet one day but it´s very expensive. :tears:

They are beautiful.
I want them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HUSKIES with icy blue eyes.
Ohh, Huskies are certainly adorable. They're beautiful as well.
But I wouldn't want them for a pet, though.
I've dreamed of having a siberian husky for such a long time...they're wonderful pets, very good with children and they can easily get bored...and like Saline Eyes mentioned, they're definitely notorious (well-known) for shedding...might need to think of an invention where the dog can walk by some sort of vacuum device and suck up the loose hair!! (...and at the same time, it would feel like the dog's having a massage...heh heh) :lol: ...MizzDeaf, icy blue eyes?? *chuckles* I tend to think of 'em as magnificent sky blue eyes....I wouldn't mind a dark colored coat but I would prefer the grayish/white coat on a siberian husky.... :cool:
I've always admired the Siberian Husky -- but I prefer Roteweillers or Great Danes. ;)
I loves this breed kind. My friend have same kind of this breed but ... wow ... i'm so shocked because THIS DOG IS DEAF! Really very rare to find one alike this dog. DANG.
(waving hands wildly) I LOVE THIS BREED! I have a Husky, and he is the BEST!!!

My boy is part Husky, part Golden...but he appears to be mostly Husky...he has brown eyes though (some of them do, did you know that?).

Huskies are WONDERFUL pets, but you are all correct about the shedding. I have to vaccuum about once a day with my Max...only twice a year does he shed though, and we live in the hot South! ;-)

They are FABULOUS with children. I have a grand niece who is a year old and who just hugs on him and kisses him and lays on him...he just nuzzles her and licks her on the head from time to time. LOL! The neighbor's kids like to chase him, hug him, pet him, and use him as a floor pillow...hehehe....he puts up with all of it....they are one of the sweetest, most gentle souls you can have in a dog breed.

I can tell you this though...they LOVE to run...you need to have a WELL fenced yard if you are going to have one or else they WILL either dig under or go over the fence and run and run and run forever...it's in their blood...

They are VERY VERY intelligent though. I am currently training Max to be my hearing ear dog (service dog) and he goes with me when I go places at night since I can no longer tell what direction sounds are coming from. (someone could come up behind me to hurt me and I wouldn't know it...) He's really great to stick close to me, and stand in between me and strangers. He rides well in the car...like a little human...hehehe....he likes to sit in the passenger seat and watch all the other cars go by. (giggle) He's good in the house to let me know when someone is at the door by coming to get me and take me to the door when the doorbell rings. :) He also will pick up his water bowl and bring it to me when it is empty. LOL! Like "hint, hint"....hahaha

He gets nervous during thunderstorms though...not terrible...but he does stick to me like velcro when we get a bad storm. He also doesn't like to have his toenails trimmed so I take him to the groomer's for that.

He weighs about 90 pounds and it's all solid muscle. When he stands on his hind legs, he's about 5'7" tall! Yep, he's a BIG BOY....but in my eyes, he's a beautiful one...I love him sooooooo much, can you tell? (grin)

There are a lot of really great Husky websites out there that can describe in detail all about them if you are interested in getting one for yourself...but I do recommend you read up about them beforehand because they are hyper and need room to run and someone who will be active with them. ;-) They LOVE to play chase...where YOU chase THEM...it's their favorite game! LOL! They also love any toy that makes a noise...which tends to make them good hearing dogs. :)

Here is my Maxie Dog:



EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot to mention...they are VERY easy to housebreak. Most dogs are, actually...you just have to be consistent with them. Max was already housebroken when he came to us. He wouldn't dream of going in the house...I think he'd "hold it" til he popped as opposed to having an accident in the house.

Also, we have neighbors who have two beautiful full blooded Huskies...one of them is a little red girl, with piercing blue eyes, and her brother is like the one in the picture at the beginning of this thread. I have no idea WHO they belong to...but I assume they live nearby because they are always wandering the neighborhood and they wear collars with rabies tags. I can't IMAGINE letting dogs that beautiful run loose though...that's just irresponsible. They could get run over by a car, or in our case, a train...we have a train about a block from us! YIKES!
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Hey Xandie...I just read your post about your friend's dog being deaf. :)

I actually helped transport a rescued labrador retriever (I used to be pretty active in animal rescue...finding homes for dogs who'd ended up in shelters and were about to be put to sleep) who was deaf to it's new owners who were also deaf. It was a match made in Heaven! ;-) This little dog was OH so sweet...and she knew sign language!!! Of course, the DOG could not sign (giggle) but she understood when certain signs you could show her...it's a growing trend to teach deaf dogs to understand signs so that their humans can communicate with them. Isn't that cool? :)
I love Huskies... I sooo want one but the hot weather we get would be torture for the poor things! Maybe a part-Husky. Every time I see one, I think they're just so beautiful.
Ziusudra, your kitty cat is so cute! :) I love orange tabbies.

We live in a very hot climate as well here in the Southern U.S., and Max does get hot...but he tends to shed most of the thick coat during the summer and is left with a much thinner version. They do adapt, but I also keep him in the nice, air-conditioned house a lot too. ;-) He's such a "pampered pooch"...hehehehe
Aww Max is so cute.. I love huskies.. and I don't mind that I can get a dog that's part Husky. Alot of people thinks that Huskies r part wolf.. they aren't but they do look like wolf alot.
When I was child, I used have breed husky dog long time ago. I loved him. His name was Ace.
I used to own a copper/tan/white husky with golden brown eyes.. His name was Mojo, he was a good dog.. wild sometimes..eh I got him for my 1st son, they both loved each other.. austin always played with him.. so cute.. unfortunately mojo escaped (6th time) and we were unable to find him this time and get him back.. my neighbor saw him jump over the fence and got away.. the neighbor couldnt go get him for us because he's old. I informed my vet and he put in the info to every vet hospitals (sent dna info) and animal shelters.. so far we heard nothing. :( I hope whoever has him is in a good home.It's been 2 and a half years now.
Awww, Teekie, that's so sad...unfortunately that's the number one problem with Huskies...their love of freedom, naturally overwhelming curiosity in "the unknown" and undying passion to run...well...it oftentimes will lead them astray and they wind up lost. Sooooo many Huskies end up in shelters because of this... They're a tough cookie too, in that they are SOOOO incredibly smart that they can figure out ways to get out of a "normally" fenced yard. LOL...we had to really outsmart Max to keep him in the yard....get this...

We have a 6 foot cedar fence around most of the yard, except for the very back where we have a black, chain link fence (because we wanted to be able to keep our lovely view of the wooded area behind the house). Max was able to flatten himself out and just scoot right under that chain-link fence...not a problem. So...we put big cement blocks in the places where the fence wasn't as tight as it should have been...but he still got out...we have blocks everywhere...but he still got out. FINALLY, my Dad went to Home Depot and got tons of "rebar" stakes and some big, treated 4x8's...he and my nephew-in-law installed the wood around the bottom, reinforcing it with the rebar stakes...and they dug trenches to install the wood, and then fastened the wood to the bottom of the fence on both sides with those really long heavy-duty wood-staples. LOL! Took them darn near 3 days to complete it...hehehe...but Maxie hasn't "escaped" since.

I think he's resigned himself to the fact that we want to "keep him around"...hehehe....

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