Who lives in Granville, OH?!?!


New Member
Mar 8, 2003
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I'm going to Denison University in Granville, Ohio to visit a deaf best friend of mine.

It'll be from night of October 28th to the early morning of Nov 2nd.

Granville is about 30 minutes from Columbus.

Anyone want to meet Laura and I there to chat?!?!
TweetyBird: I thought u moved to Hawaii? *Puzzled*
Sorry its off topic, back to the point..

I live in Minnesota, so Ohio? hmmm
whodatshroom said:
I'm going to Denison University in Granville, Ohio to visit a deaf best friend of mine.

It'll be from night of October 28th to the early morning of Nov 2nd.

Granville is about 30 minutes from Columbus.

Anyone want to meet Laura and I there to chat?!?!

I think i know where but can't remma since i used live in Columbus before also was wonering where near beside Columbus ??