Who is single here?

Geez, I'm so lonely.

Thought I was gonna score earlier and I didn't cuz the person knows me already and it would be too awkward.
I'm single and have been for several years. If truth be told, I'm quite happy with the "single life" because I don't have anyone to answer to. While there are times where I wish I had someone else to talk to, those feelings aren't strong enough to make me start dating again -- at least not right now. A small part of me is also afraid of being hurt should another relationship fail. The last failed relationship I had was quite painful because the guy I was dating chose to end our partnership because his feelings towards his ex-girlfriend started to resurface. We got along beautifully, but the feelings he had towards his ex-girlfriend were so strong that he felt he could no longer continue to date me. As it turned out, he ended up marrying his ex-girlfriend and they have been happily married with children for 2 years now. Knowing that makes our breakup a little easier to take. As the saying goes, "You'll know when you find the right person." If that happens to me, great. If it doesn't, that's okay too.
I am single and never been married..
Whew... I remembered that I posted it and next post was a guy who give me his email addy, I refuse to take it.. and never know him... Glad it has removed... I rather to make new friends, and get know well... :cool2:
Freckles, I'm 93% :( But being in the single life rocks! :aw:
I am back being single again.  I think I will stay this way for a loooong time.
Like I say before in here in this topic, single still my entire life.. wouldnt mind meeting and falling in love with a gal.. lol...
28yrs old, single

I am still single and am yet 28 years old. I am still looking for a girl who can suddenly came into my life and light up my world once again.

I used to have tons of girlfriend when I was in high school and I was the popular bad boys and was a great entertainer with my comical and comedy faces. ;p

I thought someone out there can be able to provide the expert advise on how to get a charming girl from anywhere in the whole wide world outta here as the world is so BIG.. :giggle: