I was engaged when I was 19 and were all set to be married. She was in the army though, so she was called for deployment in her last year. We would talk almost every night, but of course, she had to call since they used private lines when in Iraq. One day, the calls just stopped coming, and I called her mother to see what was going on. Turns out she was doing fine, just having a "problem" and I'd find out when the time was right. Her last day of deployment, she flew back home and she called me to tell me to pack all of our stuff, we were moving tomorrow. So I excitedly packed up (a one bedroom apartment wasn't hard to get into a single uhaul alone) and she showed up the next day with her sergeant. She promptly told me that yes, we were both moving, but I was moving out, and they were moving closer to her parents. Never seen her again.
So I've been single since then, and am 24 now.