who is more lazy man or women?


Sep 24, 2008
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to me i think men are more lazy than women because most of the women do the most work around the house.
It's equal. Or at least it should be.

If you honestly think that, then it is probably time for you to whip your husband or boyfriend into shape. :lol:
I think it could be a little more even. Yes, we women usually do most of the housework and the men usually do all the yardwork and cleaning out of the garage and home maintenance. But in the cases where there are no men or no women, that's where they each have to "do it all". I share the housework with my mother and mother-in-law as well as do the home schooling for my 2 teens. My husband, who has not worked for the last 2 months (just got a job yesterday!!) has been cleaning out a 3 bay garage that his father has been slowly filling over the last 40-45 years, and my 2 teens (1 boy and 1 girl) are doing all of the garbage, and lawn work (2 lots on a corner in an in-town neighborhood). Lawn has to be mowed 2-3 times a week due to all the rain we have gotten. The palm trees are shedding all of the dead branches with each storm that blows through. The kids are kept BUSY. I personally think I have it easy, but then again, my mother does the laundry for my family of 5, mother-in-law does her own layndry and cooking, but I do all the house cleaning, mopping and such as well as the cooking for my family of 5.
Certainly depends on the people. In my house, I do housework and yardwork. No complaints. I like things done my way.
I would say both men and women *equal*

Lazy can be selfish sometimes too.
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when I was married, I think we spread the duties pretty evenly. Obviously now I do all for myself, but I had good times and memories doing all the chores together from yard work to washing dishes.
I do most of the household chores, child raising AND yard work (mowing, weeding, trimming, planting, and cleaning) myself...only because my hubby has such a long commute (4 hours a day) to and from work during the week while mine is under an hour a day and he works another job on the weekends.

My neighbor commented on how he only sees me doing to yard work not my hubby. I wonder if he thinks my hubby is lazy...lol.

However, the answer to the question..no sex is more lazy than the other. Just the people who has lazy personalities.
women are, house work is easy, but actual work at workplace is hard
women are, house work is easy, but actual work at workplace is hard

Housework = easy? It depends....my house is small and it is a LOT of work to keep up with it especially the yard work so if one has a large house then IMO housework would definitely not be easy.

Add in child rearing...now, that's HARD work..especially on the mental part especially if the children are toddlers.

That's my opinion based on my experience.

If one wants to compare the difficulties of housework/child rearing and the workplace..IMO, I would look at each case individually rather than making a blanket statement.

*I had to edit my post cuz I didn't see the part where you stated that women are more lazy because housework is easier*

Now, I am going to restate....I totally disagree with that. Women aren't lazy because of housework. If there are lazy women, u bet they won't be doing housework. If women are doing housework and getting them done whether the housework is easy or hard, they are most definitely not lazy.
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I beg to differ. house work is an endless task.

I always heard of a saying that my Grandmother used to tell me

interesting how you brought that up, this is a classic way of genderised roles in being reproduced using this quote "A man's works from sun to sun. A woman's works is never done", this is 'true' if the situation is delined as working male husband and a house-bound wife. However you might consider housework is 'never done' being true, but it is not under the same amount of paid-work pressure, it is fun looking after one's own nest, and selecting what to cook, when.where to clean, experiences of life isnt bombarded with handling difficult people such as employees/employers/co-worker/clients/consumers/or any assholes coming along, at home, its 'peace' and ok responsibility with children is quite abit but it is also your own children, and developing a relationship, its not like try to make a sale for a bid to bring home some dough to live. So in a way its 50/50 but then if both were working then house chores does indeed need to split 50/50 to be fair, and this includes getting rid of gendered roles, like swap cooking for mowing lawns would be great.

Basically i was only kidding before as I was stirring. :)
but sometimes i do wonder....
I am kind of stress. Right now, I have heart disease and high blood pressure cause by my bitch wife is most lazy in the world.

I do lawn mower, yardwork ,dish washing, sweep/mop floor, cook BBQ, repair computers for someone, pay billings, deposit IRS ($8500) and property tax ($9,000). Sometime, my children help me do lawn mower or carry heavy things when they are in our house.

She just wash/fold clothes and sometime cooking. She loves to sit and watch TV for long night. Yell me for no reason. My children can't stand with mom because she always loud yell.

If, she lives with OJ Simpson. What happen to her????
Sighs, I don't know why you always ask a sexist question... =/

To me, it's just both. No difference. I could be lazy as women do, and I see one of roommates who is my male roommate is somewhat lazy as men do, too. :)
I think this word lazy belittle everyone if someone said oh my wife or husband is lazy.