They are my favorite story, I guess I like horror movie as same Rev. HEH!
However; people, what Eagle has share and I support her script that she tries. Reason, the people who is doing for Lord's life word in our life.
It is true, even God already assignment four angel. Yes, I said they are angel, I have to find somewhere before the Rev. that God already plan this happen.
Why God says meanie about those four angel will hurt people who not believe in Jesus' name. AGAIN!
God Wants You. He create you form your body and wise and life.
If you see people are looks stupid or weird; psst, we do have kind of judge on people look. Practice to love and they are prefect of creation by God's Love and amazing that we cannot believe.
Did science made those stuff: trees, stars, soils, grasses, and ocean. Did Evil made those same as science? If yes, we have to work hard to make that happen! So it is impossible to create 6 days and we rest the 1 day as equal 7 days. God says a word and then the Earth pop. God say water, its pop, sun, its pop, animal, it pop, dark (star and moon), its pop. All he creates are wonderful!
Remember, God did create heaven and hell. God didn't says "Oop! I didn't mean to made you on the Earth." God have reason for you being here. Eagle, she is here on purpose for reason that God life and made her breathe.
Can you do that without God if you have child. How that bless and his power. If God isn't around, it wouldn't be possible. Think about what Eagle shares about Rev and who like horror book or movie. Read there, it is interesting how it turn happy ending.
If you have question or anything -- say so. Look at all the picture she posts. It is true, but remember that not what same picture as heaven. It what looks like it going to be. You want to know that real picture, Ask Jesus in your Heart as He is your Savior. Page the message to me or Eagle or people you do know that believe Jesus is the way.