Who Is Cheri Dating???

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This book comes strongly recommended...:thumb:


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As you know I love charts. They get right to the point. This chart speaks for itself. I am " The Charts Man" :thumb: :)


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Heath.. you don't get it.. you expecting perfect yourself.. don't dare flabberstaged to Cheri..

Cheri's point of view herself.. Not YOU.. duh! I recommend you sit back and corner.. think about it..

Heath: Hopefully women will discover what your have weakest problem..
:ugh2: Heath,

Are you saying I'm not a positive person? I am aware of how relationship works and I'm aware about my feelings too, I don't need any advices coming from you, Mr. Smartly pants.
Galaxyangel.... You do have a need and a hunger to be negative?

Cheri can speak for herself.

Recommendations are worth nothing when people say them very angry.

Everyone has their strong and weak points. Don't talk about me or the women. Talk about yourself.

People will discover your weakest point in due time and really abuse it to the max. Is that what you want for yourself?

I posted those positive charts so people can stop to take the time and think about it for themselves and give Cheri her space.

you obivously did not even bother to look at the charts and you were not thinking and you spoke in anger. Why you had to fume and waste your time and breath over something that is not there. Sad.

The charts are more like a F.Y.I. which everybody got the point and had nothing else to say. It speaks for itself.
Cheri said:
:ugh2: Heath,

Are you saying I'm not a positive person? I am aware of how relationship works and I'm aware about my feelings too, I don't need any advices coming from you, Mr. Smartly pants.

Cheri, You are jumping to conclusions and writing your own mistakes. I was helping you. You did not even recongize when somebody was helping you. I see why now. You are too apt to jump on the bandwagon when another people say something. You believe them and nod in agreement instead of really thinking for yourself. You let another people do the thinking and talking then you become their mouth piece instead of a real person who says what has to be said.You are interpreting the whole thing wrong and probably right now you will hate to admit it and in due time you will realize I was telling you the truth. Relationships are always a work of progress. You never stop learning when dating in a relationship etc.
Heath said:
Cheri, You are jumping to conclusions and writing your own mistakes. I was helping you. You did not even recongize when somebody was helping you. I see why now. You are too apt to jump on the bandwagon when another people say something. You believe them and nod in agreement instead of really thinking for yourself. You let another people do the thinking and talking then you become their mouth piece instead of a real person who says what has to be said.

Eh? For you information I am 35 years old and I can speak for myself, I don't jump in no bandwagon and either do I need your boring advice? You the one who kept on going off-topic since page one, posting images of famous people has nothing to do with the thread itself. So speak for yourself mister, take one good look at yourself before pointing fingers at the wrong people, included me as well. ;)
Cheri said:
Eh? For you information I am 35 years old and I can speak for myself, I don't jump in no bandwagon and either do I need your boring advice? You the one who kept on going off-topic since page one, posting images of famous people has nothing to do with the thread itself. So speak for yourself mister, take one good look at yourself before pointing fingers at the wrong people, included me as well. ;)

The funny pictures were intended as humor and then I posted some pictures of people more closer to AD. I already checked myself before I even checked what was going on with you guys. I am not pointing the fingers at all. You are the one doing the finger pointing.
I ain't see Heath is exist here?? I'm happy.. He is my ignore list!!!

Heath said:
The funny pictures were intended as humor and then I posted some pictures of people more closer to AD. I already checked myself before I even checked what was going on with you guys. I am not pointing the fingers at all. You are the one doing the finger pointing.

%$@@#!#*!!! *screams*

::::walking away:::::::
Heath said:
The funny pictures were intended as humor and then I posted some pictures of people more closer to AD. I already checked myself before I even checked what was going on with you guys. I am not pointing the fingers at all. You are the one doing the finger pointing.

Heath.. how is she pointing fingers???? I honestly think you need to reconsider checking out what you say in AD.. You're not the priest nor the master of any kind. You shouldn't have to give advice when we already know what we're doing. You need to have a life and loosen up alittle. We're just having fun!

Cheri's right about you posting things that don't belong in some topics.. you do need to stick with the topic. If you want to have some sense of humor with the pictures you need to create your own thread or go with the topic where they belong.
RebelGirl said:
Heath.. how is she pointing fingers???? I honestly think you need to reconsider checking out what you say in AD.. You're not the priest nor the master of any kind. You shouldn't have to give advice when we already know what we're doing. You need to have a life and loosen up alittle. We're just having fun!

Cheri's right about you posting things that don't belong in some topics.. you do need to stick with the topic. If you want to have some sense of humor with the pictures you need to create your own thread or go with the topic where they belong.

The finger pointing is being done on the sly and you hope people do not notice that the girls are doing the finger pointing without people knowing or noticing it.

A sense of humor is best done when it happens naturally. You are right sometimes a thread needs to be created or go with a topic and sometimes funny humor can happen naturally on the spot.

I am already relaxed and I am amazed at something as simple as posting something positive. You react with furious and dramatic anger inteded to throw people and me off track and hope people do not take a second look at what is happening and what the real issue really is? I can speak my own mind. Why not you?
The issue is we do NOT need your advices that we did not seek to ask, You act like we are 'dumb deaf folks' that needs you to guide us to the path of life, We are living in life, we learned from our mistakes, we corrected them, If we want to ask for advices from anyone, We can do it on our own not with your approval first hand. Understood? Thank-you for your cooperated.

That's all I gotta say, Peace out!
Heath said:
The finger pointing is being done on the sly and you hope people do not notice that the girls are doing the finger pointing without people knowing or noticing it.

A sense of humor is best done when it happens naturally. You are right sometimes a thread needs to be created or go with a topic and sometimes funny humor can happen naturally on the spot.

I am already relaxed and I am amazed at something as simple as posting something positive. You react with furious and dramatic anger inteded to throw people and me off track and hope people do not take a second look at what is happening and what the real issue really is? I can speak my own mind. Why not you?

I react with furious and dramatic anger? Oh Puleeze! If I was reacting with furious and dramatic anger, I'd be using an exclamation and cursing and would have left AD.. but Have I?? No. I'm still here and planned on being here. People do know what's happening and the real issue is you. All you're doing is lecturing our heads off expecting us to laugh or agree everything you say, but we don't. I don't see any enthusiastics with you in it. Its getting pretty annoying, anyhow. so you say why not can I speak my own mind? I have been speaking my own mind since day 1 on AD, you haven't been here long enough to know what AD is all about. You didn't do the finger pointings but you've been acting as the king since you've been here so you've been :Owned: . You don't own us.. If you really want to be a part of us, you've got to stop the lecturing and join the fun instead of bitching at us. If you want to continue this, then you can shove the heath bar up your arse!
Heath, I don't know if you realized this, but you have made so many posts about some off-topic things that I agree with rebel girl that it was actually pretty annoying ...and that is definitely not fun at all. Just one post would be quite enough, I think! :/

I would say more, but I'm too sleepy already to think of anymore to say... e_e
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