I feel so beautiful
I never thought being a blonde
would be this much fun
My wife is going to flip her wig
when she sees what I have done
I'm coming out of the closet
I was in there too damn long
now I can breathe, oh so freely
and sing you this really gay song
I feel so sexy
I never thought that I would
I want to be a bad bad girl
up to no damn good
Guys are always staring
when I flash them my sexy grin
I used to be an angel filled with love
now I'm a devil filled with sin
Man, I feel like a woman
I no longer feel like the macho man I was
I think the main reason for this is because...
I feel so sexy
I never thought that I would
I want to be a bad bad girl
up to damn good
I know some people will laugh
and think that I've gone insane
but I want to change my name
to lovely Rita or Kathleen Lee
and start my life from scratch
forget I was ever a fellow
strip naked roll around
in a vat filled with jell-o
I feel so sexy
I never thought that I would
I want to be a bad bad girl
I feel so sexy
I never thought that I would
I want to be a bad bad girl