Who is an A+ Certified Service Technician?


New Member
Mar 3, 2003
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I have a simple question is, First, look at first four A+ courses I already took and got aced all. Second, Should I take the last course, A+ Certification Preparation or instead that, go, take an exam and pass it to save a lot of money and time.

Three of four instructors suggested me to skip the course and take an exam because they knew that I am going to pass. On the other hand, one instructor said take that course and learn how to prepare on the exam.

What is your advice?

click that url, click Professional Certification, and then click A+ Certification

Right now, I completed my first year and will be my second year which is started schooling on monday, started learning the network stuffs.

My goal is to get an A.A. degree with MCSE, CCNA, A+ & Network+ cerfcations. I worked hard my ass busted to earn 34 credits and 4.0GPA. WITHOUT an interpreter and notetaker.. Those excellent instructors helped me understanding very clearly.. :) I have 60 credits to go :( I will be graduated on Nov 2005
Wow, very good ! That's really up to you
even though you have the confidence
without having to sign up for the class,
but it's usually a good idea to go ahead
with a class first just in case if you might
miss something.. who knows ? Good luck !

(P.S. my mom just lost her home in Florida
hurricanes, sigh... i will go down there
very soon)
I am A+ Certified, if you know computer hardware, it is quite easy.

I used a book and an Exam Cram Study Guide and scored in the 90th percentile on both tests.
I got my A+

I got my A+ back in December. I diddn't take any classes, most of it was just aquired knowlege over the years. I did shell out $50 for a book to make sure that I wasn't missing anything before I took the exam. I took the latest exams (the new ones started November 2003)

I'd really like to continue learning and get Network+ certification, maybe CCNA (cicsco) .. or one of the many certifications from Microsoft. The big problem is that I don't have the money to take all these exams or buy too many of the books or training materials. (vocational rehabilitation payed for my A+ exams :) I suppose having a hearing loss has it's perks )

I think it would be a fun job to be a computer tech in the deaf community.. I'm sure there's need for it. I need to keep improving my ASL skills... (I diddn't learn ASL untill college and I live in the middle of nowhere)

Do any of you have some recomondations for signing comptuer terms? I have seen a couple of books but they're old (2002) I think... it's hard enough to explain computer stuff to hearing people (in english) I'd like to be able help and educate other hoh/deaf people with sign.

congrats to those of you who have your A+ certification
farmerjoe said:
Do any of you have some recomondations for signing comptuer terms? I have seen a couple of books but they're old (2002) I think... it's hard enough to explain computer stuff to hearing people (in english) I'd like to be able help and educate other hoh/deaf people with sign.

congrats to those of you who have your A+ certification

Most computer courses, they have a new book or woudl I say latest edtion...