Who is a member of Second Life?


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
I had to become a member for the course that I'm taking in college. What do you think of Second Life?
You mean that RPG? I was years ago, but it was too boring.
So it's a fantasy land where everyone is smoking hot and perfect? It does sound boring. Funny, the ads I see it show attractive young people at the computer when it's probably fat middle aged men
it is Virtual Realty Chats, i quit few year ago
Not a member but have heard of it. Second Life looks similar to IMVU (a friend is into that- I joined but haven't been to it in a while).
I thought it was religious thing..what is it Reb
Oh, no, not religious! :lol:

It's a website:


Each member picks an avatar character and creates imaginary lives with it. Members can interact with each other.

Personally, it's not my interest but it's required for the multimedia class that I'm taking.
second life and similar online alter-reality 'life games' has been around for ages....
i don't play it, i have enough plenty to do outside AllDeaf, FB, coffee sites, more to life than computers/internet, oh as for games, I play GT6 and few on PS3, not getting crazy but its fun i know my limits time wise....
I'm always worried the hot skinny girls with the triple D boobies are actually 45 year old guys with the same size man boobs living in their parents' basements.
I saw an documentary about it. It an online world where people have imaginary lives in it with an avatars.

You could have a job in it or make things to sell in second life to earn a living. In the documentary, it show a lady playing second life all day long for the whole week making clothes or shoes for avatars and selling it for real cash.

Her brother was saying that she was getting a bigger paycheck working in imaginary world than he earned in real world heh.

I saw an documentary about it. It an online world where people have imaginary lives in it with an avatars.

You could have a job in it or make things to sell in second life to earn a living. In the documentary, it show a lady playing second life all day long for the whole week making clothes or shoes for avatars and selling it for real cash.

Her brother was saying that she was getting a bigger paycheck working in imaginary world than he earned in real world heh.


Interesting! :lol: