Who have Wi-FI for pager

the only good wi fi based device i can think top of my head is the ipod. it looks like an iphone but it is thinner and cheaper. it is 299 for that nifty thing.
Hi Guys, you read interest wi-fi some free some free hotspot, some little fee, wonderful..
but I need buy pager for Wi-fi, but NO Data Plan, I need cheap pager where I buy? Sony MyLo is under $299 that I know they lousy sony mylo, I know Blackberry, SK cost $400, $500 or more without data plan fee months

I need cheap pager with wi-fi incdule JAVA, Internet, IM, E-mail, please no data plan
any idea

My suggest... do not take any pager with wifi. Due not work in weak signal.

My iphone is not activate (without any data/voice plan). I know where is very strong signal that's great for my iphone.

At my workplace, our company does not have wireless network. I use my laptop to pick free wifi (weak signal) from somewhere.

One day, I tried to use my iphone at my workplace. My iphone won't work at weak signal. Then, I brought my laptop to check. My laptop is very good in weak signal better than my iphone.

At home, our wireless router in basement. My iphone and laptop show full scale wireless at first floor. Then, went to our bed room which is very long distance from basement to 2nd floor. My laptop showed 1 or 2 scale (weak signal). My iphone is very weak signal scale (lower than laptop)
My suggest... do not take any pager with wifi. Due not work in weak signal.

My iphone is not activate (without any data/voice plan). I know where is very strong signal that's great for my iphone.

At my workplace, our company does not have wireless network. I use my laptop to pick free wifi (weak signal) from somewhere.

One day, I tried to use my iphone at my workplace. My iphone won't work at weak signal. Then, I brought my laptop to check. My laptop is very good in weak signal better than my iphone.

At home, our wireless router in basement. My iphone and laptop show full scale wireless at first floor. Then, went to our bed room which is very long distance from basement to 2nd floor. My laptop showed 1 or 2 scale (weak signal). My iphone is very weak signal scale (lower than laptop)

Wil be better if your router and iphone use Wifi N.
IPod and iPhone don't have Qwerty keyboard
also cannot read tiny text

the only good wi fi based device i can think top of my head is the ipod. it looks like an iphone but it is thinner and cheaper. it is 299 for that nifty thing.
maybe you setup wrong..

Router Wireless is Den at 1 Floor, HTPC with wireless at 2 floor at living room, I use Internet TV, smooth and fast perfect picture, WI-FI NEVER weak!

also Printer wireless, Camera Wireless, perfect
I will wait order VPAD's USB Wireless, will test at 3 floor to 1 floor

Better you buy nrew router wireless Linksys with DD-WRT is best!

My suggest... do not take any pager with wifi. Due not work in weak signal.

My iphone is not activate (without any data/voice plan). I know where is very strong signal that's great for my iphone.

At my workplace, our company does not have wireless network. I use my laptop to pick free wifi (weak signal) from somewhere.

One day, I tried to use my iphone at my workplace. My iphone won't work at weak signal. Then, I brought my laptop to check. My laptop is very good in weak signal better than my iphone.

At home, our wireless router in basement. My iphone and laptop show full scale wireless at first floor. Then, went to our bed room which is very long distance from basement to 2nd floor. My laptop showed 1 or 2 scale (weak signal). My iphone is very weak signal scale (lower than laptop)
IPod and iPhone don't have Qwerty keyboard
also cannot read tiny text

I believe Seq is talk about iPod Touch which similar to iPhone but only wi-fi itself. It does have virtual keyboard. And yes, there is resize text.
Yes, I know but many deaf people use Qwerty keyboard for fast than no keyboard, if I use touch ipod or iphone, very slow or missing hard touch that finger is big than ipod/iphone. I wish Qwerty keyboard with IPod/iPhone future, but I hear LG Pager same both Qwerty keyboard and touch

I believe Seq is talk about iPod Touch which similar to iPhone but only wi-fi itself. It does have virtual keyboard. And yes, there is resize text.
I do not need new Wireless Router at home. We have Verizon FiOS at home. I did play with Modem with built-in Router at basement's corner (too far distance to our bedroom). Normal for our modem/router in Den room "Middle".

I tried explain them that my experience to see iphone vs laptop at public (unknown wifi). I noticed that laptop is excellent at weak signal better than iphone. I seem that all pager with built-in wifi are not excellent signal. My wife has AT&T Tilt. I did not test on her AT&T Tilt without sim card.

No problem at restaurant like Panaera, Starbuck (I am not coffer drinker), Hotel, Library and Stadium (I am freelance photo for rivals.com). We know what they offer free internet.
I hear LG Pager

Are you talk about LG VU?

One day, I saw poster "LG VU" at AT&T Store. It look like iphone clone. I asked salesperson. She does not know when will release and price.
No, LG VU don't have QWERTY keyboard,
I found call "LG Voyager" have QWERTY keyboard and touch, two screen (front and hide) but it not have wi-fi !! GRRR

Are you talk about LG VU?

One day, I saw poster "LG VU" at AT&T Store. It look like iphone clone. I asked salesperson. She does not know when will release and price.
No, LG VU don't have QWERTY keyboard,
I found call "LG Voyager" have QWERTY keyboard and touch, two screen (front and hide) but it not have wi-fi !! GRRR

What's point about no WiFi? LG Voyager from verizon support EVDO, is it enough for you, even it has more EVDO coverage than Sprint.
Yes, I know but many deaf people use Qwerty keyboard for fast than no keyboard, if I use touch ipod or iphone, very slow or missing hard touch that finger is big than ipod/iphone. I wish Qwerty keyboard with IPod/iPhone future, but I hear LG Pager same both Qwerty keyboard and touch

Have you tried iPhone or iPod Touch in real time? Go to Apple store or att store to try yourself.

I had used before and it's work so good on mine, you will get used with that.
maybe you setup wrong..

Router Wireless is Den at 1 Floor, HTPC with wireless at 2 floor at living room, I use Internet TV, smooth and fast perfect picture, WI-FI NEVER weak!

also Printer wireless, Camera Wireless, perfect
I will wait order VPAD's USB Wireless, will test at 3 floor to 1 floor

Better you buy nrew router wireless Linksys with DD-WRT is best!

He's not...

That reason because you don't left router in basement, if you did then you will experience with some poor signal, especially on B and G.
I know where is very good siginal (free Wifi at library, Panaera, gas station, few spots) great for my iphone.

Last Feb, our phone and Verizon DSL were dead. Verizon made mistake to disconnect our line. Good thing, I use my laptop with built in wireless network. So, I picked wifi from next house. They did not set up security. So, I can use their wifi.

Most hotels, Stadium, McDonald, and other building, they are not free Wifi. If, you stay at hotel. They will give you password. I am freelance photo for Rivals.com. I got press password from stadium. At McDonald, you have to pay $3 for 2 hour.

Some hotel Might be charge for per day fee or you have to your own membership like as Boigno or Wayport but Most hotel do complementary (free) access also some hotel give you password to access to login. Starbucks did get new AT&T Wifi contract and Starbuck did dopped out of contract with T-mobile Hotspot... if you have AT&T DSL 3.0mbp or above pricing plan you will get complementary AT&T Wi-Fi access also if you use T-mobile hotspot member you can have complementary roaming access to AT&T Wi-Fi router in Starbucks

you can find FREE or pay WiFi access fee directory anywhere is JiWire Wi-Fi Finder and Hotspot Directory

hotel has free or paid service listing are: Hotel Chain Internet Access Guide

airport wifi guide free or paid service: Airport Wireless Internet Access Guide

Starbuck Wifi website : High-speed internet access at Starbucks