That's where a lot of CI users go wrong when they get cochlear implants.
They think they're going to change overnight. After they get their CIs, they realize they made a mistake... and stop wearing it.
I do know some people who got CIs and immediately switched from socializing with deaf people and started socializing with hearing people because they considered themselves "hearing" even though their only skill is lipreading and they can't even comprehend what they're hearing nor can they even speak like hearing people.
One guy got CIs and immediately stopped signing. He joined a hearing fraternity. He would enunciate everything he said to deaf people without signing in order to make himself look better than the other deafies. He would try to tell cruel deaf jokes to hearing students while in front of deaf students to emphasize that he's moved on from deaf life to hearing life. Even after 5 years in college, he still hasn't made any improvements in his speaking skills and is now worse than where he started. :roll:
That's where a lot of CI users go wrong when they get cochlear implants.
They think they're going to change overnight. After they get their CIs, they realize they made a mistake... and stop wearing it.
I do know some people who got CIs and immediately switched from socializing with deaf people and started socializing with hearing people because they considered themselves "hearing" even though their only skill is lipreading and they can't even comprehend what they're hearing nor can they even speak like hearing people.
One guy got CIs and immediately stopped signing. He joined a hearing fraternity. He would enunciate everything he said to deaf people without signing in order to make himself look better than the other deafies. He would try to tell cruel deaf jokes to hearing students while in front of deaf students to emphasize that he's moved on from deaf life to hearing life. Even after 5 years in college, he still hasn't made any improvements in his speaking skills and is now worse than where he started. :roll:
I know a few who has had a CI for 20+ years that has completely no benefit. They dont use it.
Rick, where are you from?
Lol, I know people like that. Last weekend I had a small gathering of deaf folk at my house, and they were ASL users. When a couple of married CI users pulled into the driveway, they all got up and left. It turned out that of the couple, the husband no longer uses his CI, but had a holier-than-thou attitude previously, and the others hadn't forgotten nor forgiven. The wife was in tears over the abandonment but I could only shrug.
Right. You can't just get cochlear implants and then say you're "cured" or like a hearing person (speak/hear).